Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun] ' [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 RED tape is strangling Lucy Roberts ' chances of living a normal happy life .
2 Secretaries of State consider that the diversity of practice that has emerged in recent years , as shown particularly by HM Inspectors ' surveys of Primary and Secondary Schools , makes it timely to prepare guidance on the place of certain key elements in the curriculum .
3 Wisden Cricket Monthlywelcomes Readers ' Letters on any cricket topic , contemporary , controversial , historical or humorous .
4 James Herbert 's Portent ( NEL ) is his ecology novel ; and David Eddings ' Domes of Fire ( Grafton ) is the start of a new series , the Book of the Tamuli .
5 Hailing from the tourist hotspot of Sunderland , Leatherface take their bearings from one of the most influential albums of the Eighties — Husker Du 's ‘ New Day Rising ’ — and add a more than adequate Pop sensibility to convey mainman Frankie Stubbs ' outbursts on the state of the world within and around him .
6 The relative scarcity of ethnographic descriptions of peaceful societies has resulted in focusing a good deal of interest on those that do exist : Colin Turnbull 's description of the Ituri Forest Pygmies ( 1961 ) , Elizabeth Marshall Thomas ' characterization of the ‘ harmless people ’ , the Kalahari Bushmen ( 1958 ) , Robert Dentan 's description of the Semai as ‘ non-violent people of Malaya ’ ( 1968 ) , Robert Levy 's ethnography of the Tahitians ( 1973 ) , Jean Briggs ' descriptions of the Inuit ( 1970 , 1975 ) , and Melford Spiro 's accounts of life on Ifaluk ( 1950 , 1952 ) , being among the most notable .
7 Cllr Murphy said that he was speaking out because of Cllr Brooks ' statements to the media after a Labour Party report into the running of the party at constituency , district and council group level .
8 The incomes of many disabled and elderly people are demonstrably inadequate , particularly when their extra needs are taken into account ( Martin and White , 1988 ; Walker , 1990 ; see also Alan Walker 's and Dulcie Groves ' chapters in this volume ) .
9 The inclusion in NHS consultants ' contracts of a formal commitment to teaching is a step in the right direction in that it acknowledges that most doctors teach to a greater or lesser extent .
10 Sergeant Phillips ' parents in Swindon told us they were annoyed at not being told the full story earlier , but declined to be interviewed .
11 New products for molecular biology research included a pipette for DNA amplification procedures and the Bioprobe Systems ' products for hybridisation , electrophoresis and DNA sequencing , chromogenic reagents and specialist membranes .
12 FLOWERS AND GARDENS feature in Brenda Evans ' watercolours on display at the Kentmere House Gallery , 53 Scarcroft Hill during MAY .
13 And in reality Mr Adams ' efforts in recent years to put a check on the IRA have come to nought .
14 Cleveland Police are circulating Mr Simms ' details to other forces after a possible sighting at Middlesbrough Bus Station three weeks ago .
15 The former Kray henchman dashed Fleet Street scribes ' hopes for a headline such as ‘ The Silence Of The Lambrianou ’ when he said of the underworld bloodletting : ‘ It was the biggest mistake the Krays made . ’
16 Bishop Farquhar accused Mr Edwards ' killers of hiding ‘ in the exchanges of bitterness and hostility spread over previous generations ’ .
17 And when , at the beginning of 1950 , US Secretary of State Acheson conceded that the United States would now vote in favour of the return of UN members ' Ambassadors to Spain , Franco knew that the thaw had begun .
18 What was interesting about Sir Charles ' footprints in Yew Alley ?
19 The news that could well have wrecked forever Prince Charles ' hopes of one day becoming king was broken by the urbane Sir Robert Fellowes — the Queen 's Private Secretary — in a call to Downing Street .
20 After visiting a garden festival in Ebbw Vale , Gwent , they went on to stay with Mr Tomlins ' parents in Milton Keynes , Bucks .
21 There was a lot of interest in Harold Burns ' activities at the time and many of the older people remember him and his Flea .
22 Consider , for example , the columnist Robert Harris ' reflections on the election result in this week 's Sunday Times .
23 Joanne Menzies ' words about the Datsun came back to him — ‘ It 's pretty good on petrol , but not that good .
24 ( There is a parallel here with Talcott Parsons ' arguments about decline versus specialization , discussed in reading 1 .
25 Gassendi thus provides a notable example of the influence of the rediscovery in the sixteenth century of Sextus Empiricus ' Outlines of Pyrrhonism , to which reference has already been made .
26 The arguments he uses here are standard ones , taken over bodily from the ten ‘ tropes ’ of the Greek sceptics as presented in Diogenes Laertius ' Life of Pyrrho , and Sextus Empiricus ' Outlines of Pyrrhonism .
27 In an unusual joint venture with industry , a group of young trainee managers from Exxon Chemicals ' offices in Europe has spent four months in Cameroon , carrying out practical conservation work on WWF 's Korup rainforest project .
28 Browne 's radicalism owed much to Havelock Ellis ' writings on sex psychology .
29 They usually have them at erm Christmas time do n't they , usually have a couple of Marx Brothers ' films on
30 Solihull teachers ' attitudes towards this aspect of SSE were moderately positive .
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