Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun] [vb past] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Crewe centre half , Darren Carr got the header as the Hereford defence stood and watched .
2 While serving in Zanzibar Rigby met and assisted several celebrated explorers : Sir Richard Burton ( who was to be accused by Rigby of withholding payment from porters and other members of the expedition to Lake Tanganyika — an accusation which was denied by Burton ) , J. H. Speke , and David Livingstone [ qq.v . ] .
3 That ingrained courage , the belief that he must continue to fight on — the ability to fool himself into thinking that he could fight on — was all that was left to Tubby , and Colonel Windsor realised that to take it away from him could precipitate the final breakdown .
4 Certainly there is plenty in the literature about using cobalt-60 sources for sterilisation and DoE researchers found that spent reactor fuel rods did the job quite effectively ..
5 However , Lord Justice Watkins disagreed and said he saw no difficulty in imposing upon the assessment officer the duty to discover what intention lay behind the reduction of capital .
6 Between 1840 and 1880 Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels criticized and restructured the ideas they gleaned from all three sources , and combined them into a potent synthesis which they acclaimed as the first ‘ scientific socialism , .
7 Later that year a combined army of men led by Sigmar and Dwarfs led by King Kurgan met and defeated a huge horde of Goblins and Orcs as they attempted to cross the Worlds Edge Mountains at the Black Fire Pass .
8 The old pals reunion at White Hart Lane … that 's Spurs v Swindon finished as it started all square … former Town favourite David Kerslake set up the Spurs goal for Jason Dozzell … and then another old County Ground hero Colin Calderwood went and gave away a penalty … it looked like a handball at first but Calderwood was guilty of pushing …
9 Pat Fitzgerald appeared and began to walk down the stairs and John met him halfway down .
10 Miss Honey paused and looked carefully at the child .
11 Miss Honey paused and stared down into her empty tea-mug .
12 Miss Honey paused and leaned back in her chair behind the plain table that stood in the middle of the floor in front of the class .
13 Miss Honey paused and sipped her tea .
14 Miss Honey turned and walked out of the study feeling depressed but by no means defeated .
15 She left to have a baby — ’ Miss Vinall stopped and stared at Juliet .
16 Towns pillaged and burned , crops razed to the ground , even Holy Mother Church defiled and mocked .
17 Miss Ellis flinched and glanced in the rear view mirror but continued to talk in her calm , professional voice while Gilly picked at the bits of gum stuck in her straggly hair and on her cheeks and chin .
18 Ignatious Bonomi and David Roberts designed and built for John Marshall a mill for the preparation and spinning of flax .
19 The ghost of Ken Noakes shrivelled and vanished from her subconscious .
20 Mr Baker said he was concerned solely with whether Miss Giles knew or believed she was infringing copyright by showing it .
21 One of the first things Colin and Sue Ross did when taking over Chetcombe was to refurbish the bedrooms in pretty Laura Ashley papers and fabrics , and to put them en suite .
22 ‘ We went right through the town centre and all the people doing their Saturday shopping stood and clapped and shouted messages of support as we went by . ’
23 As principal psychologist , Miss Paterson led and developed the Child Guidance Service until her retirement in 1966 .
24 Edward Morris smiled and nodded but it was the stranger who spoke .
25 KEN BRADSHAW waxed and waned with the swell .
26 Miss Phoebe noticed and pinched herself together , the tip of her tongue wetting her dry lips as if to help words to slide out more easily , but before they came , her sister was saying loudly :
27 Cruella Baines grunted and waddled off along the line of windows , her steel bangles rattling against her gigantic thighs .
28 Miss Watson shuddered but made no reply .
29 Woody Allen wrote and directed this comedy in which he stars as New Yorker Isaac Davis who is in love with his city but disgruntled with his job as a TV comedy writer .
30 During this time , Richard Baxter preached and prayed with those Presbyterians or Independents who invited him .
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