Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun] [coord] say he " in BNC.

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1 It drew to an end in April 1964 with Mr Mandela 's four-hour speech from the dock , in which he defended the formation of Umkhonto we Sizwe and said he had done what he did for the ideal of a free and democratic society , ‘ an ideal for which I am prepared to die ’ .
2 Added to which , David had been interviewed by Melody Maker and said he was gay which gained a lot of publicity . ’
3 He had served at the Khyber Pass and said he recognised the place at once . ’
4 It was next day , Wednesday , that Bill Muggeridge went to Mr Crumwallis and said he would be unable to take the Burleigh team to the All-Swessex Schools Swimming Championships on Thursday .
5 In his speech Sir Michael backed Mr Birt but said he should effectively be placed on probation for 12 months .
6 The police have questioned Mr Probyne and say he 's been very helpful , but they have n't ruled out any line of inquiry :
7 Some years ago a presenter at a seminar on project management referred to the Taylor Woodrow logo and said he had often wondered who was on the other end of the rope .
8 Matt muttered something about the Sir Francis Level and said he had been here before .
9 This afternoon a man caliming to be Hanger called Grendon prison and said he was in Aylesbury and armed with a shotgun .
10 She said a third man being sought by the police had telephoned a Kirkby inspector and said he was sure the case would end because witnesses were not brave enough to give evidence .
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