Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun] [adv] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Now Sammy was a character in himself he was a bachelor and his wi his sister was Fanny the elocutionist er and , and er there the women used to , to go into old Sammy 's shop on a Friday night simply to be entertained by all the wisecracks and nonsense that used to go on in there , and somebody would say I suppose you 're off this weekend and he 'd say yes I 'm off to my little widow in Wales , he had n't got a little widow in Wales at all now but it would the start of the conversation going .
2 Nineteenth-century specialist François Perreau-Saussine of Galerie du Carrousel has dropped in , together with Nicolas Joly from Galerie Yves Mikaeloff who is presenting ten pre-cubist and cubist drawings by Andre Mare alongside seventeenth- and eighteenth-century works , including an early La Hyre and one of the few Nicolas Mignards still to be found outside the Louvre .
3 But he had already scored both Arsenal goals — which may surprise Graham Taylor , who picked him for his England squad only to be told he 's not fit enough .
4 Was young Donald sound enough to be sent to contact other families ?
5 I hope to build a V8 Land Rover mainly to be used on road so mpg and mph are important , but it must sound and look great ( wheels , tyres , etc. ) , do well off road and out perform my dad 's new Land Cruiser II Please could you give me some advice on model , diff ratio , tyres , etc. and initial purchase price .
6 With Jenny Blyth nowhere to be found — vindictive press reports claiming that the marriage of the decade was on the rocks — he became embroiled in an unseemly dispute with his own club .
7 So how can John Major claim now to be surprised by them ? — .
8 All of which suggests that they could have as many as five players in the L.G.U. squad shortly to be nominated for next year 's Curtis Cup .
9 ‘ High and Low ’ , MOMA 's ambitious attempt to fathom the relationship between high and low culture in modern art , was a costly AT&T-funded project that travelled from New York to Chicago and Los Angeles only to be savaged by most critics at each of its stops .
10 They drove in silence for a while , with Rachel content just to be beside him , happy in the knowledge that all their difficulties had somehow been resolved .
11 THE first Hollywood Oscar ever to be auctioned was sold yesterday for £32,000 .
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