Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun] [adv] [prep] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 She caught her usual bus , but instead of getting off at Frankfurter Allee and catching the S-Bahn to Biesdorf , she stayed on it , all the way to Ostkreuz where , like Herr Nordern once before her , she made her way to Ostkreuz Police Station .
2 If Penumbra questions either of us , we will not lie .
3 The latter had the present Bridge Street as its main road with the significantly dedicated St Clements Church halfway along it .
4 But of Jane Eyre there for you .
5 ‘ I 'm near faintin' , ’ said Nancy , ‘ ca n't I 'ave Sergeant Joe upstairs with me ? ’
6 He is 35 points clear of Perry Harding-Jones , who has Simon Andrews and Simon Cowell just behind him .
7 Tell Uncle David all about it . ’
8 right and he said in it oh Roy , er Roy , strap him in Roy , cos he 's got this like thing and face mask to stop him talking , we saw Roy Hattersley right behind us , it was most embarrassing moment
9 Do n't forget to take some Yorkshire parkin home with you — this delicious dark gingerbread is available from any good cake shop !
10 Like Harold Larwood long before him , he used his relative shortness ( in fast bowling terms ) to make the ball skid through at great pace , always difficult for a batsman to deal with .
11 Not only had I written to ask Mr Briggs more about him , I had also written twice to Mrs Fairfax .
12 Let me tell you about the Barking women most of them are dead , some of them are working for local authority .
13 As the weapon crashed into the underbrush among the trees somewhere off to his left , Grant saw the oriental shove Jim Miller away from him and step forward .
14 All the same , the day of the race Ace was third on the grid , Dino Tremiti ahead of him , but pole was taken by his greatest rival .
15 Father Dolan told Reverend Mother all about her , all about her .
16 In all his years he 'd never known an August day quite like it .
17 ‘ I 'd been a partner for 10 years , I was 43 and could see another 17 years of PW partnership ahead of me .
18 Vi 's eyes were clouded , her gaze distant , seeing the gates of the Albert Dock , and Gerry walking away from her .
19 There was definitely no chance of a walk that day , bit of Jayne Eyre there for you
20 Brett and Rogers report directly to me .
21 We saw Mount Carmel ahead of us and the town of Haifa sleeping in the morning sun below us …
22 ‘ Is Chrissie Kettering still with you ? ’
23 ‘ Is Cabochon Crevecoeur still with you lot ? ’
24 Why have you taken the Bernini lecture away from me ?
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