Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 A reporter at the time describes the La Scala Girls at the Palace :
2 Mike Sadler was flown straight back to the Eighth Army and assigned the task of navigating the New Zealand Division around the south of the Mareth line , while Cooper was able to enjoy the pleasures of Constantine with an old friend , Reg Seekings , who had made his way through after the B Squadron attacks on the road .
4 Ric Sissons 's team-mates in the Sussex University teams of the early 1970s who christened him ‘ Red Ric ’ were clearly unaware of the fact that the far left have been no more immune to the game 's charms than any other section of the community .
5 A LOCOMOTIVE restored at ICI Wilton steams into the area again this weekend as the centrepiece of a charity open day .
6 I fed them plates of baked beans ; squeezed oranges , bandaged knees , bowled cricket balls , ran beside tottering bicycles , read nonsense poems at bedtime , baked wholemeal bread , earthed up King Edward potatoes in the garden .
7 Finally , for rich veteran rockers who want a late Christmas present , there is a massive six-CD boxed set of Little Richard recordings from the mid-Fifties and concerts from the mid-Sixties .
8 The woman made a pile of cracked Minton tea plates in the wire in-tray that she used for stacking the washing-up .
9 Folding platform steps were fitted , Philipson side life-guards under the off side of the platforms and the ‘ B.1 ’ type trolley masts replaced by the B.T-H .
10 Colin Dryden talks to the man leading Ford 's drive to catch up
11 HELP has been developed over the last five years and is available to Henley programme members throughout the world .
12 REMEMBER when wrestling meant Mick McManus , Big Daddy and the wonderfully dead-pan Kent Walton greeting ITV 's Saturday afternoon viewers with the words , ‘ Good afternoon , grapple fans ’ ?
13 Tam Dalyell muses on the need to control a pernicious form of pollution
14 SCREAMING LORD SATCH Joe Satriani Guitar teachers of the world , Satch is back to make you sweat , with an album that plunders a musical empire stretching from the Tigris to the Mississippi .
15 With Batuan and the community we have shared the all-night pilgrimages to the Mother Temple shrines on the slopes of the Gunung Agung volcano .
16 In his second feature looking back on the regiment 's finest hours , Richard Barnett talks to the men who were proud to have served with the Glorious Glosters :
17 It 's the southbound Watford Gap services with the golden kettle , not their northbound colleagues .
18 FRONT-ROW power has taken the Leicestershire club Vipers to the brink of a league and a cup double .
19 Darlington 's Labour councillors were locked in negotiations with Kimberly-Clark management months before the company finally decided on Humberside .
20 Kremlin hold reins of the GDR army .
21 For it is from the Meeke Motorsport workshops at the Bush that the championship leading Opel Astras of GM Spain emerge , built by a team of Ulster engineers under the direction of Sydney Meeke .
22 The aims of Challenge EDP are to match BPX business objectives with the needs of the graduate recruits for development and training .
23 WORLDWIDE amateur radio activity during next week 's Battle of the Atlantic Commemoration will be spearheaded by the Royal Naval Amateur Radio Society 's HMS Plymouth Group members throughout the event — from Saturday next until Sunday , May 30 .
24 The selection rules for Raman spectra are different , but parallel and perpendicular vibrations of symmetric tops may be distinguished by Raman band contours in the same way as described above for IR bands , although this may not be enough to allow us to assign symmetry species to all bands .
25 Fold the ends of the Parma ham slices over the filling , then refrigerate for 2–3hr until set .
26 Dora Bryan stars in the Kander & Ebb musical 70 GIRLS 70 following its great success in London 's West End .
27 The sell-out South Leicestershire Canal Championships on the Grand Union between Daddington and Foxton was another casualty .
28 After a campaign by councillors , a registration scheme was set up in the Cheyney Road , Garden Lane and Ermine Road areas of the city .
29 Nat West is to spend £1.5M on training branch managers and Small business Advisers with the aim of helping them understand small firms ' needs more clearly .
30 The report outlines how last March the council agreed to sell the Duke Street premises to the club on terms to be agreed by Mr Oak .
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