Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun] [am/are] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is the Armenians who live in what is left of the Armenian Republic — in the Soviet Republic of the same name — who perhaps have the only fragile opportunity of one day restoring their nation ; just as the Arab inhabitants of the West Bank and Gaza Strip are now the only Palestinians to be able to fight with any effect for their statehood .
2 Jefferson Airhead are definitely a band of the times — young but old-headed , exuberant but smart , and fired with the possibilities of the new pop euphoria ; anything goes and Jefferson Airhead are going along with it all .
3 NHS dentists are now a rarity in parts of London and the Home Counties — this is one effect of the new dental contract introduced at the end of 1990 .
4 LENNOX LEWIS and Frank Maloney are apparently the last two people this side of Jupiter to realise that when it comes to world heavyweight boxing titles , possession is 10 tenths of the law .
5 Cos basically , Robin William films are either a film with a character and Robin Williams is the character , takes over the film and Robin Williams comes through , and it 's funny .
6 Their publications would do credit to any university : Libertarian Conflicts in Social Choice , by UBS Phillips & Drew 's John Wriglesworth , The Role of Crack Resistance Parameters in Polymer Wear , by Williams de Broe 's Mustapha Omar and Stellar Winds ( which might conceivably be a volume of poetry ) by Robert Fleming 's Martin Murch are just a few of the titles that leap off the page .
7 And we could reveal really relevant things like how the plants in Kew Gardens are actually the Spoils of Empire .
8 Some three hundred kilometres in a north-westerly direction , the Faroe Islands are roughly the same distance from Shetland as are Aberdeen to the south and Bergen in Norway to the east .
9 Of course there are other rack-mounting tuners on the market which are probably just as accurate and reliable , but when it comes to professional credibility Peterson Strobe Tuners are still the thing to go for ; even voltage surges and variations in temperature wo n't upset them .
10 The Black Mountains are possibly the least hospitable of all the Empire 's borders .
11 John Lennon , David Bowie , Eric Clapton , Jeff Beck , pete Townshend and Bryan Ferry are just the tip of the iceberg .
12 Peel Square flats are really a sort of superior hotel , but they offer a slightly more permanent-sounding address than a hotel .
13 There are a number of such challenges , but the interesting and I think significant one comes from a group of Palaeontologists , of whom Stephen Gould , now of Eldridge , erm and Stephen Stanley are probably the best know .
14 Eddy lifetimes are typically a few days .
15 The fourth zone of Hautvillers vineyards are really an extension of those of Cumière but they rise higher , to an elevation of between 180 and 220 metres , and their aspect changes slightly , affording more south-facing slopes .
16 Four successive championship and Wembley doubles are just the highlights of a fabulous four-year reign at Central Park .
17 But Siberia also encompasses the ‘ little Switzerland ’ of the Gornyi Altai , a region of spectacular alpinesque beauty ; it contains the verdant grasslands around Lake Baikal where for centuries nomadic pastoralists have grazed their flocks and herds ; Lake Baikal itself , the deepest in the world and ‘ the pearl of Siberia ’ , is magnificent at any season and supports a micro-ecology with its own unique flora and fauna ; from the Kamchatka peninsula towers Mount Klyuchevskii , the highest volcano in Eurasia , and there , too , is a hotbed of active , boiling springs and geysers ; in the Vladivostok region on the Pacific coast grapevines are cultivated , and the jungles of the Amur and the Ussuri lowlands are still the stalking grounds of the great Siberian tiger .
18 The Lorenz equations are actually a slightly more general set than we considered previously :
19 For one thing , some Dip.HE courses are effectively no more than the first two years of a degree course , with the added minor advantage that a student can if he wishes leave after two years with an award .
20 The Surrey Puma and the Exmoor Beast are only the most famous of these .
21 The notorious Lovins footnotes are here an essential accompaniment , giving an astonishing variety of primary sources .
22 BR fares are already the highest in Europe , but further increases of this scale will be inevitable without a change in Government policy , ’ he added .
23 The Glynde and Adur Levels and Amberley/Pulborough Marshes along the River Arun are probably the most ornithologically important of the river levels today , but all these areas are increasingly threatened by drainage schemes .
24 Butthole Surfers are perhaps the ultimate expression of hardcore 's predilections .
25 CHRIS THAU argues that the welter of recriminations and the Dubroca Incident are only the latest instalments in the long-running French obsession …
26 The French or Gallica roses are probably the oldest cultivated roses of European origin , and can arguably be traced back for 3,000 years .
27 Little & Large , Bobby Davro and all of The Copycats gang are just a few top comedians to start this way .
28 Needless to say , though , drawings which bear a good provenance are usually of good quality : the drawings collected by such a fine connoisseur as the seventeenth-century English painter Peter Lely are now the pride of the world 's greatest museums .
29 Alton Powerlifting Club are probably the smallest sporting organisation in the town .
30 The results of the actor tests show that there are still substantial levels of discrimination against Asians and West Indians when applying for manual jobs ; that the discrimination is stronger against applicants for non-skilled rather than for skilled jobs ; that it is mainly based on colour prejudice rather than prejudice against foreigners ; and that levels of discrimination against Indians , Pakistanis and West Indians are much the same .
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