Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun] [modal v] to be " in BNC.

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1 ( Spencer Shops used to be a railroad maintenance / classification facility owned by Southern Railway ) .
2 Hill Street used to be a problem , with bucks and bobby-beating .
3 This particular store in Clapham 's Abbeville Road used to be an ordinary branch of Thresher .
4 I 've been racking my brain to remember what Sue Puffett used to be called .
5 ‘ He 's quite old now , of course , but Sir David Wyndham used to be a really big cheese in the business world … definitely a grand fromage ! ’
6 Raised in Santa Cruz , California , Pete was not far from Monterey , where the old Bing Crosby tournament used to be held .
7 At The Canteen MPW 's , where the Waterfront restaurant used to be , Marco-Pierre White and Michael Caine serve simple , classic French food .
8 Miss Jenny ought to be more thoughtful instead of causing extra work . "
9 It was a delicious cheese , as good as the true Glamorgan Caerphilly used to be .
10 Even the much vaunted Mick Jones collaboration sounds like Mick Jones used to be in The Alarm not The Clash .
11 Mick Davies used to be a prison warder at Long Lartin jail .
12 Cos he used to Alan Bleasdale used to be Peter Reed 's teacher at school and the
13 As a rule of thumb , Dijon mustard ought to be presented with a pot au feu or potée .
14 There 's a tendency to take someone like Lowe and put him with no-talent good-lookers like Robert Taylor used to be , or Tyrone Power . ’
15 Amos , Seth and Mr Wilks used to be like the Yorkshire version of Three Stooges , but now it 's all arguments and impending family feuds .
16 If this omission was not the fault of some over-zealous sub-editor , them Mr Bailey ought to be ashamed of himself .
17 Nothing to be scared of , just a few old trees , though Uncle Nick used to be scared sometimes , on the way down .
18 Good Friday in East Anglia used to be the traditional day for planting potatoes .
19 The 13th century Coaley Millpond used to be full of crystal clear water .
20 Ribeira Brava used to be like a Wild West or oasis town where buses and cars stopped for the occupants to take advantage of coffee , drinks and food and to fill their vehicle with petrol before venturing into the ‘ Beyond ’ or the ‘ Outback ’ .
21 Well old was , was er absolute er you 'd never think anybody 'd would buy anything out of his shop , er my father went in for something once and he , and he said you can see them hanging up ca n't you , I mean er salesmanship was on unheard of as far as he was concerned they were there , why ask him if he 'd got any , but erm course you must remember I was only a little boy I mean I can remember all this , I took it all in but I would n't say that I knew them er I knew Miss , from the grocer 's shop she was a Sunday School teacher , and er the Sunday School used to be at Road School we used to have a Sunday School there and a Mr used to take this .
22 Mrs Strange used to be at the piano when Seven Towers sang and now that she is stepping up to the rostrum , Kathryn , daughter of bass singer and choir secretary Jack Clarke , is replacing her .
23 ON the face of it , Clive Efford and Geoffrey Smith ought to be Conservatives .
24 Hong Kong used to be renowned for its bargains , but most prices there seemed pretty close to what they are in London .
25 SAD Sandy Millington used to be 19 stone and without a date , but now she 's the happiest heavyweight in the world .
26 First , he said , the administration was more actively engaged in trade policy than the Bush people used to be .
27 In Italy money used to be paid for crickets so that they could be released in the garden to add their harmony and endless cheerfulness to it .
28 In Italy tax-collection used to be a commercial business .
29 It sounds crazy — as crazy as Steve Martin used to be .
30 Now , could argue that Greater York could be bigger or smaller , the local government commission , erm er there report is a very interesting read , I mean a number of the options that they 've looked at would be a gra er a city of York going out to the ring road , erm that might be one option , there 's a there there idea of of Greater York , they did harden , they did see some merit in in a Greater York unitary authority based on the Greater York planning study I think , erm whether that is going to come to pass only Mr Gummer presumably er knows , so my idea of Greater York is that it 's an area which is tied socially and economically to the city , you could argue as mobility increases , as the A ni nineteen is improved up through the County that really Northallerton now is perhaps more within the sphere of influence of York than it was ten years ago , erm e it was probably to a degree influenced by York even twenty years ago , erm I do n't think er there is much to be gained by debating where Greater York ought to be , the Secretary of State previously has n't been bothered about er amending it er it seems to us to be the reasonable area , and it 's a combination of five districts , erm erm erm who who who hopefully should be working together towards sorting out the er other problems of Greater York .
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