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1 About the new Phoenix machine that er we have n't got a er opportunity for business on anywhere .
2 I was there Saturday night er , and Saturday evening and erm what 's her name ?
3 Monday , Tuesday , Wednesday , Thursday and not sure about Friday evening and er she said then she 'll have trouble getting the money over that 's out of them , why the redundancy because been there over two year , so I presume redundancy or holidays or both so Sue said to her well if they were so good to you in the past , but that ai n't the point is it ?
4 So her husband brought the case in the Guild room on the Tuesday night and erm I was sort of throw 'd in at the deep end because they were mostly older women and they all said , oh well you 're secretary erm yo I said yes , but I do n't know the Co-op dual structure .
5 Well it , it must have been heart trouble the earliest memory I have of that is mother sending me with a neighbour out of Street , a Mrs , to tell my Aunt Lucy which was my dad 's sister , who lived in Street house , house was right opposite their gateway , now Aunt Lucy and there was er her family she w married a fella in and her daughter , her son and me uncle was my dad 's brother , I lived in the house with her , but er I remember tagging this Mrs from the Street down to Street along road and past the hospital , then along Walk and I up in Street , and er tagging Mrs and er Mrs had never met Aunt Lucy and er me Aunt Lucy suffered , what in those days they call it white leg , a woman 's complaint she was bedridden and er when we went in she must have asked why we were there , Mrs was a little bit flabbergasted and I blurted it out oh me dad 's dead , and me Aunt Lucy nearly went into hysterics , so that 's , that 's all I can manage I remember about that .
6 Yes the they were much the same as they are now but er , of course the one nearest was the er spraying hanger , that 's where they used to build the Swallow side-cars , the main office building there 's a large hanger with large sliding doors at the back of there which used to house the erm experimental department for the Harvard Aircraft and erm they used to operate the flight gang from there getting the planes ready to go up to be actually tested , and then the next hanger up was very much er starting from scratch and finishing the aircraft structurally you know .
7 We d Okay we do n't know , we want to ask them we w So if you are an MP in North Yorkshire and er you think I 'm giving you a hard time and I know you sneakily listen to this programme , I know you listen .
8 Erm whilst I 've not been able to produce an audited er set of accounts I do have er a set of figures for you erm and as you said at the the beginning of your opening er speech Mr Chairman that erm we had one or two losses during the year , those er in actual fact did n't erm affect us in thi this particular financial year as they were aimed at the September December period , but therefore they will be reflected in next year 's figures not or in the current year 's figures or the next annual general meeting 's figures .
9 I 'm sorry about that Mr Chairman but er I do n't know if that 's correct .
10 She 's not a bad person , actually I quite like Elaine Paige but er I hate that record .
11 It is clear to me from Mr evidence that er he regards school as entirely appropriate for the plaintiff .
12 And and I was I was in in the grocery on Monday morning but erm we were go through a pack of you know .
13 Well when I started to school I went to , back to school er I was eleven or er ten or eleven then , and I went to Field Road School that er what er Thomas 's , is it , was it school ?
14 Erm first of all can I put the county on notice to er respond later on this afternoon to the thesis expanded by Professor Lock that er it might be tenable to start calculating employment land requirements based on numbers of employed or numbers in employment or desired ai or employment levels to be aimed at , er and coupled with that , is there anything in the figures which they have produced in either their submission or and and its appendices which actually might form a basis for that sort of calculation ?
15 Terry Eagleton of Oxford made the comment , er oh I think a year or two ago , in the Sunday Times that er there is too much established in the name William Shakespeare for anyone to be willing to fool around with it .
16 My honourable friend from the front benches made the point about the gaps in er these regulations , they do n't cover Lloyds , they do n't cover pension schemes , pension funds they do n't cover banks which are domiciled er in the er in in the United States but er we also have the point which I made in the interjection to the minister that unless there 's a duty to detect fraud er er as well as report it , it 's really doubtful if the auditors can perform er the function .
17 It 's not so long since it was in the United States and er I 'm quite shocked really , but I 'm er I mean Manchester did a terrific job really .
18 So we 're talking about the sixty acre sixty hectares that are allocated for the rest of the Harrogate district and er I should like formal confirmation from Mr Allenby privately already that there is no question of any part of the York , Greater York area allocation being transferred into the rest of the district should it fall through for any purpose .
19 Well I 've just come out of the debate which has just finished on the Palestine and Israel situation and er we passed the voting paper which will become policy for the party , calling for er a non-violent solution recognising the P L O and urging the U N to facilitate negotiations between Israeli government and the P L O.
20 It was only Sunday services but er we did occasionally have , cos you do n't get a wedding every day , but we did sing occasionally at the weddings , the biggest service was at Easter when there was quite a performance at Easter yes Joh Johnny he was a he was in the choir and he 's , there was another woman that might be interested a Mrs in Street during the fourteen war they used to have the Red Cross collection and they 'd organize processions round round the streets collecting for the Red Cross and they used to knit socks and send them out and all that sort of thing
21 I we had a under-manager come , he come from somewhere down Staffordshire way and y you you 've talked about Tweedledum and Tweedledee , they used to call him Biffy he was just like like one of them .
22 I will be writing to the normal firms as usual , to get donations for the raffle , er now the other thing I 've got to report from is the stall , no before that the E C discussed applications by other organisations , now Sheffield and erm many other areas produce there own excellent publications , so I , I wrote of to Greater London Pensioner to Redbridge , to Senior Citizens in Sheffield , Anglian Pensioners , Grey Power and erm I , I 've sent letter 's to them and already had some copies back from Sheffield .
23 so I said oh my son 's going there sort of erm this summer and er she said oh do n't they live you know locally , so I said well in Newton Abbott and erm he works in the fire service
24 Somebody broke in on Lawrence Hill and er you know erm
25 It 's in Nelson Street and er I did it I 've done it once on my own like this before .
26 The Aldershot method because er it it sort of explained to me the most effect way of getting across whatever you want to say so that made me a feel a bit happier about that .
27 Archbishop Romero , he was a bishop in El Salvador and er he was an archbishop and erm he was shot because he opposed the people who were in power .
28 Yes we 've er spoken to the council as well and we 've er received all the authorities which are necessary from the York council and er everybody is happy on that .
29 and I had a very sheltered life , I was an only child , I had n't been around much , I had n't stayed away from home erm and I came to Suffolk to visit a girl penfriend who was working at Brandeston Hall and erm she at that time was expecting to get engaged to a chappy in the village here who was , and still is a friend of Hector 's and ours , and they did n't marry in the finish but she at that time wanted me to come up to Suffolk to see her and to meet this chappy who she thought she was going to marry and erm so , it was holiday from the art school where I was and I thought well why not ?
30 Well my mother was one of the pillars of the Palfrey church and er she er oh I went , my father never used to go , but she used to go and of course I , I used to be an altar server down there when I got a bit older I did for a week or two to the erm do you know anything about an Anglo-Catholic Church I mean where they swing the incense and there is this little boy with the boat ?
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