Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun] [pron] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 This sentiment was confirmed by Saints ' boss Ian Branfoot who admitted that the attacking Town tactics had taken him by surprise .
2 The high church Anglican theologian Eric Mascall , writing in response to a report of a Lambeth subcommittee which commented that medieval understandings were based on false biological views , expressed himself thus :
3 First , there is the early Marxist approach of Ian Taylor which emphasises that hooligan behaviour is a symbolic attempt by working-class fans to restore some control over a game which they feel increasingly alienated from .
4 The Pringle lairds who built and occupied the tower had frequently been beset by reivers from Tynedale and Redesdale , who on one occasion took away with them 600 cattle , 100 horses and 100 prisoners .
5 A story about a R.A.F. Flight-Sergeant who noticed that a recruit was still wearing his hat in church .
6 Matilda started to go with them , but as she passed Miss Honey she paused and her twinkling eyes met the teacher 's eyes and Miss Honey ran forward and gave the tiny child a great big hug and a kiss .
7 At two o'clock sharp the class assembled , including Miss Honey who noted that the jug of water and the glass were in the proper place .
8 PAMELA : Then , sir , why should your honour be so angry I should tell Mrs. Jervis what passed if you intended no harm ?
9 " Oh , for heaven 's sake , Miss Poraway she cried as another rice pudding slipped from Miss Poraway 's fingers .
10 When I spoke to Mrs. Olinton she said that Mr. Olinton was so set against Scouts and Guides that he would n't even let his own daughter , Jessica , join Brownies , although she wanted to . ’
11 But among those with special achievements to their credit were the branches at Knebworth ( Hertfordshire ) , Kelvedon , Manningtree and Wivenhoe ( Essex ) , all of which published village histories during 1953–54 ; at Hemel Hempstead which duplicated and sold Welfare and the State , the log-book of weekly discussions in a Long Terminal on ‘ Economic and Social Problems ’ held in 1956–57 ; at Linton ( Cambridgeshire ) which followed up a music course by helping to launch the Linton Music Festival in July 1957 , destined to become an annual event ; and at Colchester where a Tutorial on archaeology from 1955 to 1958 led to the formation of the Colchester Archaeological Group .
12 Like Richard Cory he glitters and flutters pulses as he walks .
13 The veneer treatment of the keywell of the V&A harpsichord does not look at all like Mercier 's painting , but from the multitude of Hitchcock spinets we know that he was not averse to the use of sycamore in this area , which , when it is varnished over , darkens to that golden hue that the painter has reproduced so faithfully .
14 Well , two or three years ago , I said to really mad , there 's me working full time , him on shifts and me Monday to Friday , nine till five , come Friday night I start and I spend the entire weekend washing , ironing , cooking , and
15 From another statement in Taskopruzade 's article on Fahreddin Acemi it appears that he also studied under , and was licensed in by , Burhaneddin Haydar Herevi .
16 IT WAS Richard Nixon who said that wilderness preservation was a sign of the self-restraint that marked a mature society .
17 On the Friday morning we heard that by popular demand we were to stay on another week .
18 ‘ To be realistic we need other teams to slip up to sneak through in the league so the cup is really our priority , ’ says 29-goal striker David McCallen who grabbed that sensational winner against his former club Linfield in the quarter-finals .
19 Like an overgrown Bisto kid I sniffed and aaahed my way to the source of the oaky-smokey smell , where I met a man whom I am very pleased to know .
20 Unfortunately there was to be no 200 metres event , but there were some invitation events scheduled including a 60 metres , and having won that event at the Cosford Games I thought that I would be selected .
21 Whitley Bay I think as well .
22 At the trial before Lord Tenterden C.J. it appeared that Godefroy brought an action against one Dalton , and caused Collins to be subpoenaed to attend .
23 One Friday lunchtime we learned that there were no more classes that day but we were confined to the Grand till evening .
24 The portfolio matrix could be used to focus on different risk-return combinations and to develop a corporate mixed risk-return portfolio , but there is absolutely nothing inherent in the McKinsey-GE model which says that this is what a portfolio grid is meant to achieve .
25 A teller for the motion to make no further addresses to the king , Evelyn was later involved in plans to make a new peace approach to disengage the king from the Scots , and during the Newport negotiations he urged that extremist measures should be tempered while negotiations continued .
26 After their father 's death Alice and Robert Edelson continued to live at Edelson House , which has a 50ft-high monument in the garden , a memorial to two Edelson babies who died when only months old .
27 And really the slate industry I think probably hinges on quality being maintained you know I mean li like I said I do n't want to go in you know I 'm no expert on this sort of thing but erm A deep sense of of injustice I think is that and , oh my God if if we let him start making us just you know like robots produce more and more slate and laying off some of the older craftsmen and you know they do and David Price who knows and I mean th they put that and and then they the last fifteen years it was a it was a defunct slate quarry before you know and they I mean it 's not as i it 's not an easy thing to er work slate I 'm sure it 's d difficult and you have to know what you 're doing .
28 The latest report confirmed an October FAO estimate which suggested that at least 5,000,000 people in the Sudan risked death through starvation .
29 I have discussed the situation with the officer in charge of the inquiry in the Hampshire Constabulary who admits that on 1 May 1991 , searches were carried out and a large quantity of potential evidence was seized from the possession of Mr. Tully .
30 I have discussed the situation with Officer in Charge of the inquiry in the Hampshire Constabulary who admits that on 1 May 1991 , searches were carried out and a large quantity of potential evidence was seized from the possession of Mr. Tully .
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