Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun] [verb] n't know " in BNC.

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1 This shows , does n't it , that Aunt Nellie did n't know very much about ‘ t' Brownie gals , ’ because doing good turns in the home is just what they are specially clever at !
2 Obviously Frank Morris does n't know much about trade union history .
3 ‘ Of course we would n't — but Mr. Olinton does n't know that .
4 And now she knew that Uncle Knacker did n't know any more than she did , and she was on her own because her parents could n't afford expensive lessons or a top-class pony .
5 Then clutching her daughter Maria Dingwall , she added : ‘ Mr Clarke does n't know he has got Iris Bentley to fight .
6 Mr Kronweiser did n't know where he stood with her , and he hated that feeling .
7 Mrs Hill does n't know if it will work , but says she 'll try anything to try to save her daughter 's life .
8 ‘ And this Mrs Fanshawe does n't know ? ’
9 " I am sure Mrs Dallam does n't know all that . "
10 The press , the TV and the radio would like to know what 's going on and , incidentally , so would I. Kersey does n't know , or he does and is n't saying . ’
11 It does n't matter what Mrs Jones thinks because Mrs Jones does n't know or care .
12 " Mrs Abigail did n't know about her husband .
13 What Mrs Ferrari did n't know , was that another baby had suffered a fractured skull while he was being looked after by Withers .
14 She had told him a lie about Auntie Lou going for a walk up the mountain and Auntie Lou did n't know what she 'd said .
15 Cos that 's one reason a lot of Harlow people do n't know what 's on do n't erm you know they they do n't really have contact with erm they do n't always use Harvey .
16 Thank God Husband does n't know about that , not yet , anyway . ’
17 " Young Gedge did n't know what he was on about , Edith .
18 Do you know , on the first night , Malcolm Harris did n't know about the cuts we 'd had to make for time .
19 2 years ago Teddy Sutton did n't know he could carve ; now his work is on display at up to £300 a time .
20 If you do n't know anything about this , then I 'm damned sure General Simpson does n't know anything either .
21 Mr Ouk spoke with The Art Newspaper about the cultural catastrophe he and his country has endured : ‘ The Khmer Rouge does n't know what art is ’ , he said , referring to the murderous regime whose Maoist ‘ agrarian revolution ’ left more than a million Cambodians dead , and threatened to eradicate the nation 's very identity .
22 Inspector Tallboy did n't know the precise meaning of the word ‘ gleaned ’ , but he caught the general tone .
23 George Foreman does n't know me , he does n't know where I 'm coming from — I 'm a pretty level-headed guy . ’
24 Val Catto does n't know if they know that Ezra Gideon sold two horses to Mr J. A. Filmer .
25 In fact , Paul Hogan does n't know what I 've gone through for him .
26 DO N'T say we in Northern Ireland do n't know a future winner when we see one in the motor cycling game .
27 Men like Luke Hunter did n't know the meaning of permanence — or fidelity .
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