Example sentences of "[adv] though she had [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Now though she had met a young man and felt strange feelings which she could not quite understand .
2 Until at last there was only one Callanish eagle left , a juvenile whom the others had sought to protect and so had prevented from joining in the fighting even though she had wanted to .
3 And the person awarding the prizes had to admit that he did n't know what her time had been , even though she had run a superb race and had beaten the course record by a full four minutes .
4 Nell shivered. : Having said it like that , even though she had suspected it all along , brought a terrible picture to the mind .
5 The young receptionist gave no hint of recognition , even though she had seen him at least a dozen times before .
6 She was determined that there would be no reconciliation , and even though she had found that the sound of his voice reminded her vividly and immediately that she had loved him and could do so again she lay smiling with pleasure at the sheer satisfaction of unforgivingness .
7 They all looked and saw that Mildred 's feet , still recovering from the invisibility potion , had not yet reappeared , even though she had changed back to her usual self .
8 Monday had been excusable , the roadworks unexpected ; by Tuesday the roadworks had grown and even though she had set off earlier she was still late .
9 Rose knew many of the people on the platform even though she had spent half her life in Scotland and she responded to each greeting with warmth , careful to watch that her friendliness did not grate on Moran .
10 Even though she had left Stornoway when she was just 14 , she never lost her love for her birthplace or her sweet West Highland accent .
11 Even though she had learned so recently that this was not the authentic voice of her mother , the intellectual knowledge had changed nothing , nothing , and perhaps it never did .
12 Sandison told him the whole story , the one he had told to Mrs Wilson : that he was Elsie 's brother , that he was convinced she was still alive even though she had disappeared so many years before .
13 As the days meandered into each other she found herself spending all her free time painting , even though she had known almost from the start that painting him was not going to exorcise him .
14 There was no trying to disappear , for even though she had taken to parking her car carefully at the back of the premises , she knew the front door was wide open and the painter in the hall would certainly , if asked , say that she was around .
15 Apart from the two social occasions when he had been with another girl , Liza had seen little of him , even though she had taken every opportunity to pass by the farmhouse where he was billeted .
16 It had never been possible to go , even though she had taken Spanish as an extra at university .
17 Even though she had tried to prepare herself for the possibility , the sense of shock hit her like a physical pain .
18 Even though she had got to know Miriam so well during the siege she was still often taken aback by her boldness .
19 This had also been Marie 's experience , even though she had got married when she was four months pregnant :
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