Example sentences of "[adv] few [noun] have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 It is surprising that so few people have suggested possible reforms .
2 These were in no way representative of the national picture , since relatively few authorities had adopted care programming at the outset of our enquiry .
3 Relatively few cases had come to court , and those that had , the court had tended to take a restrictive interpretation of the crucial words .
4 In recent years , relatively few places have recorded growth rates around the national average .
5 We have a suspicion that very little reaction has taken place because in fact very few bubbles have risen to the surface .
6 The advantage of that would be that if the private sector does have things to offer in the way of better labour practices , better marketing ideas , then these will be copied by the B R system and in Sweden it 's quite evident that although very few franchises have gone to the private sector , it has had a quite drastic effect on the way in which the state railway goes about its business .
7 Very few studies have evaluated the serological tests described in our study .
8 Very few studies have challenged the generally accepted view that ‘ canteen culture ’ is influential in determining ordinary policemen and women 's common-sense conceptions of their work ( for an exception see Fielding 1988a , b ) .
9 Very few studies have sought to position shoplifting within a broader social and political sphere , where women in particular are vulnerable to a consumer fetishism that drives them to lawbreaking …
10 Very few studies have shown any evidence that extraterrestrials have ever visited the Earth , As always , however , there is an exception .
11 CAPRICORN — VERY few Capricorns have had a whale of a time in the past few years .
12 Since Fokine showed that dancers must also be able to act if they are to live out the story or theme , very few choreographers have used the almost static scènes d'action which stop the flow of dance .
13 In 1984 Birthright had an income of £600,000 , and very few people had heard of it .
14 Very few people had seen inside Gabriel 's flat , because that was the other rule for escapers from Paradise Street : do not let the world outside get past your front door .
15 But until lately very few people had managed to make themselves heard when they pointed out the dramatic effect of all previous philosophers having seen it as that of a man — that is , of course , not an exact reflection of what men are like , but an image of how they tend to see themselves when they contrast themselves with women .
16 Our main survey ( Appendix 1 , text preceding Table 24 ) showed that very few people had had any difficulty getting the type of credit they had decided on .
17 Additionally , a very few people had failed to get what they wanted from one source , so had used some other source instead .
18 Over 900 of them said : ‘ It should have come a long time ago — very few people have done more for charity , public service and their Party than you have ’ .
19 The materials of rug making are considerably more perishable than those of other types of artefact and consequently very few examples have survived from before the 15th and 16th centuries .
20 Certainly , very few linguists have produced analyses of linguistic facts that make use of gross functional categories of this sort ( but cf.
21 She said : ‘ Very few SSDs have taken action on heterosexism and they have to face the fact that many people are implicitly heterosexist .
22 Very few men have led so versatile or so successful a life as Peter Scott .
23 For Europe , the nineteenth century was the great time when languages were identified and codified in single forms , minority languages in part eliminated , consciously national literatures and musics invented , and the territory mapped ( appropriately described as a ‘ father ’ or ‘ mother ’ land , even though very few peoples have occupied the same territory for more than a thousand years ) .
24 Dozens of boards of governors sessions have been postponed because too few members have turned up .
25 Too few filmmakers have recognized that the argument for a British cinema could only begin when they showed a readiness to listen to people 's dreams and nightmares , and play them back to audiences in exciting narratives that would enable those watching to know themselves a little better , and to feel a widening sense of possibility in the way they shaped their lives .
26 If this figure applied to the county as a whole then the criticisms which were used to attack progressive methods were quite unjustified ; far too few schools had embraced Plowden for them to be having the catastrophic influence which their detractors attributed to them .
27 What far too few historians have done is to treat this monarch as other monarchs are treated , and to ask what effect her sex and her personal relationships and actions had on her subjects and kingdom .
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