Example sentences of "[adv] much for her [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He wanted very much for her to know how much he loved her , so he had called her ‘ Mam ’ , then ‘ Angel ’ , and now ‘ Sweetheart ’ , because it made her happy .
2 He had told her a lot the previous night , too much for her to take in , but the salient points stuck out clearly in her mind .
3 Bathsheba 's feelings were almost too much for her to control , and she sat down suddenly in the grass .
4 She is in shock and in pain and requires an immediate transfusion of love and an injection of strength in the form of your quiet sympathy and understanding , and practical help with all the arrangements she has to make , as well as assistance with the simple routines of daily living ; for even these may be too much for her to cope with alone while she is engaged in the important and necessary task of grieving .
5 Was the further sacrifice of having to spend more time with this Danish dictator , this Nordic Nero , really too much for her to endure ?
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