Example sentences of "[adv] too [adj] for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Considerable skill in getting plants established was also required — it is only too easy for gaps to appear , or for an odd man out in flower colour to pop up , as anyone who has ever tried to grow a complete row of vegetables or lay out a bedding plan , will know .
2 She 's much too young for Hamilton — or for anybody else , probably , except her brothers and her dad and her uncles and so on , or so Hamilton speculates ( I can tell ) , when he skirts the camp at dusk .
3 He entered on 28 March 1826 , was made deacon in May 1838 and , much too young for priest 's orders , went in December 1839 to the English College , Rome , where he was ordained on 19 March 1842 .
4 But the pace was much too hot for Beris , and when he peeled off after five laps Hupsith toiled on alone , slowing noticeably to finish in a modest 14 mins 20.3 secs .
5 If these first signs are missed , they are soon followed by spots on new shoots , buds and leaf stalks , by which time it is much too late for prevention and contact fungicide because the fungus is already well embedded within the plant tissue .
6 Wednesday may have started the season like a Second Division side , but for all the shortcomings exposed in the League , they are still much too good for opponents from the Fourth .
7 Much too good for Gary , he thought .
8 He 's much too good for Jenny even though she 's so stuck on him .
9 He sighed , as if the answer were much too complex for words .
10 As we have seen , it is all too easy for institutions to be governed by means-end purposive models of rationality , rather than by those of communicative discourse .
11 It was all too easy for opponents of the move towards greater political party involvement in national leadership to label the activities of politicians as corrupt , self-seeking , individualistic and anti-social .
12 Mr Tweedie said that , at present , it was all too easy for users to be left unaware of the total assets employed in a business , and its overall funding .
13 It is all too easy for accounts in this period to be dominated by two issues — the transfer of the British commitment in Greece to the United States in February–March 1947 ( followed by the formulation of the Truman Doctrine ) , and the angry Anglo-American exchanges over Palestine and the creation of Israel .
14 Unfortunately it is all too easy for firms which are not authorised and do not understand what constitutes investment business to dabble unwittingly in this activity .
15 During the implementation stages , it is all too easy for teachers , including the head , struggling to maintain the ‘ helicopter view ’ necessary for good leadership , to become bogged down in mid-term crises and the drudgery of routine paperwork .
16 Greyson All too easy for Stone to win back .
17 Ultimately , it was all too easy for Sainz , who could afford to enjoy the scenery in yesterday 's Scottish forest stages after Kankkunnen , the only man who could have overhauled him in the world title race , lost crucial time when his Lancia hit a rock .
18 Without such basic information we realized it was all too easy for myths and fantasies to develop about the demands of the investigative service .
19 At a time when vast tracts were unsettled , it was all too easy for governments to be profligate .
20 The novels enjoyed a limited success , but because most novelists were concerned at the time to redefine the relation of the individual to society in terms of changing values , it was all too easy for readers to focus on the social dimension of Brooke-Rose 's fiction and to overlook those aspects which can in retrospect be seen to prefigure the problems and techniques of her later work .
21 I refer to the fact that , as presented , it would be all too easy for readers to be left with the distinct impression that the project is an initiative of National Museums and Galleries on Merseyside .
22 ‘ It all too big for politics , ’ as a former Cabinet Minister said to us last week .
23 Speaking in the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity , it would be all too tempting for Protestants to say to Catholics : ‘ This is the doctrine which still divides , and unless you accept this doctrine too , you can not be saved . ’
24 It is all too common for teachers to feel so insecure in taking a class into the countryside or on to a farm that they prefer to avoid such excursions .
25 But our last memory was of a nightingale pair , singing in competition in territories perhaps too close for comfort .
26 They 're fickle sods , after all , and I think it 's already too easy for men to shirk their responsibilities towards us .
27 But I was in two minds about him for another reason : he was already too old for training purposes , and of course that was why I wanted a bird .
28 Company car drivers used to beg off being given a diesel by protesting that it was just too sluggish for business use .
29 She looked just too guilty for words and knew it , and Felipe 's dark eyes flashed to the tray and the still unused tablet .
30 It 's just too perfect for words .
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