Example sentences of "[adv] too [adj] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Consequently , consumers demand more of the good than if its price reflected all social costs and so too much of the good is produced .
2 The limp body of the monkey is only too human in its proportions , the cries of triumph only too reminiscent of the yells of a hooligan mob bent on violence in a city street .
3 That for many people words are grey and lifeless objects is only too apparent from the way they use them , especially in print .
4 It soon became apparent , however , that Mrs Rafferty was only too pleased at the thought of Edna , though still at school , helping out at Four Winds during the weekends .
5 The end of that talk was that Farmer Olinton said he 'd be only too pleased for the Brownies to use his loft for Pack Meetings , and if Miss Truscott would call on him they 'd arrange the whole thing .
6 However , if they are applied in a legalistic or academic manner it is only too easy for the best interests of air safety to be pushed back into a position of secondary importance .
7 Surely Hari Morgan would be only too grateful for the opportunity to get away from such an unprepossessing background ?
8 Her little shriek was cut off with unerring accuracy by the simple expedient of covering her mouth with his , and she gave up her struggles and surrendered , her foolish heart only too grateful for the crumbs he offered .
9 They were only too used to the need for chivvying insouciant students into beginning some work for the module as deadlines approached .
10 Epidemic disease has long fascinated historians , and its study has proved to be only too relevant to the present day .
11 Slick sophistication is only too evident in the glittering Nevada oasis of Las Vegas , while the dry desertland of Arizona houses the gargantuan Grand Canyon , where the Colorado River winds its perilous way through the sheer plunging walls of rock .
12 Gould it seems was only too eager for the event to be over .
13 Only too conscious of the depth of passion simmering in him , and conscious too of her crumbling resistance and his vow that nothing would happen that she did n't initiate , she took a deep , shaky breath and got into the car , shutting the door firmly behind her .
14 But this implies that the world is an entity other than God and God has given it freedom and thus the possibility of ‘ going wrong ’ , of producing evil , sin , pain and suffering , whatever explanation we may try to give of how such things have come about — at least they are only too obvious in the world we know .
15 ‘ On the body were discovered certain papers which made it only too clear to the marshal and me , though not to those halfwits at the frontier , thank God , that Fräulein Müller and her companion were not , as we had assumed , acting for the Austrians , but for our own High Police . ’
16 It was then that the club 's management co-operative gave Mr Stringer so much support , and the relationship is now reciprocated with Mr Stringer only too happy for the role of coaches Dave Williams and Mike Walker to be appreciated .
17 If , however , the Chancellor was hoping for a variety of opinions to give him maximum freedom of manoeuvre in next month 's Budget , he will be only too happy with the report .
18 We are only too aware of the frustrations and annoyance of a sale which collapses and we will do everything in our power to ensure that your sale is completed to your total satisfaction and with a minimum of fuss .
19 I was only too aware of the possibility that if any guest were to find his stay at Darlington Hall less than comfortable , this might have repercussions of unimaginable largeness .
20 Gerard Fusil was only too aware of the dangers the 175 racers faced between the Caribbean and the Pacific coasts of a country aptly nicknamed the Switzerland of Central America .
21 She loved the speed but was only too aware of the danger of slipping into a hypnotic daze .
22 And in this instance , he is only too aware of the kind of judgements I may make about him as a child reader , and tailors his reply accordingly .
23 ‘ In prayer we are gradually hollowed out to become more ‘ capax Dei ’ ’ ( capacity for God ) , said Maria Boulding , and someone pastoring others will be only too aware of the need to receive even at the price of felt ( and often uncomfortable ) emptiness .
24 In his introduction , he reveals himself to be only too aware of the ‘ complex transactions between past and present ’ in which he is involved .
25 This early text already exemplifies the pattern of narrative passages and meditations upon them which became the regular mode of presentation in the fuller texts of 1805 and 1850 ; and the sophisticated author is only too aware of the division within himself which the method leads to :
26 It was an unhealthy enough place to be even at the best of times , swampy and malaria-ridden ; any Europeans trading there would have been only too aware of the risks involved , and the depleted crew of the Orynthia , overworked and probably ill-fed , must have been as vulnerable as they could possibly be .
27 Military necessity was never a strong argument and was frequently rejected even by many of the military who are only too aware of the dangers of cruel methods being introduced into a conflict .
28 Discussion with the local estate agents up to a 10-to 20-mile radius of the site , the local authority and local people , will be helpful as they are usually only too aware of the advantages and drawbacks of a locality .
29 They entered the house at lightning speed , with Robyn only too aware of the expensive hallway , the elegant furnishings , convinced that at any moment she would disgrace herself ; to vomit now , before she reached a bathroom , would be the final humiliation .
30 As a new father I am only too aware of the importance of expert guidance through the first months of parenthood .
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