Example sentences of "[adv] after the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And they grope instinctively after the Christian truth that man is not just body , he is soul and spirit too .
2 To reach Bauen take the road that crosses the Reuss valley to the far side of railway , motorway and river heading for Seedorf Near Seedorf on the valley plain stands a picturesque gabled eighteenthcentury castle called A Fro after the Ticinese knight who had it built ; it is now used for occasions of state by the canton .
3 Trade unions , despite a loss of membership and their apparently weakened position , appear to have performed more effectively after the General Strike than before — which suggests that employers were more reluctant to become embroiled in major industrial conflict and that the unions were , themselves , asserting their rights in more effective and varied ways .
4 The last significant talks , in 1978 , had stumbled over US considerations of Chinese interests and on problems inherent in the negotiations , and halted altogether after the Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia .
5 Lord Chesterfield , when discussing ‘ useful prejudices … which I should be very sorry to see removed ’ a little after the previous war , had declared that ‘ that silly , sanguine notion , which is firmly entertained here , that one Englishman can beat three Frenchmen , encourages and has sometimes enabled one Englishman in reality to beat two . ’
6 Ironically , the situation changed remarkably after the General Strike .
7 Matthew remained silent , going stealthily after the crooked figure as it squeezed through the tiny opening , then upwards with difficulty , climbing the narrow winding staircase that seemed never-ending .
8 Perhaps after the hot food in the evening ?
9 The guide-books say little : Samuel Wallis visited it and named it Boscawen Island , perhaps after the great admiral of Finisterre ; the best vanilla in the Pacific is grown there ; and it is rumoured that the finest kavo — that faintly narcotic drink prepared from the powdered root of a local pepper plant , and an important part of rituals and celebrations in the South Pacific — is Tafahi kava , and that it renders all Tafahians perpetually slightly dopey .
10 At least , it was felt by many , the Government could have used the occasion to open up new options ( to be narrowed again perhaps after the French referendum ) .
11 As Gordon Jackson has pointed out , it was only after the great growth period in foreign trade began from 1783 that the real improvement in receiving and handling facilities gave birth to the modern port .
12 It is only after the Glorious Revolution — with the emergence of regular sessions of Parliament , when much of the ordinary business of government ( as opposed to just crisis situations ) came to be conducted along party lines , when Parliamentary divisions over a range of issues allow us to see the consistency of party allegiance amongst MPs , and when the parties came to develop fairly sophisticated organisational structures for the pursuit of their political goals — that it is possible to talk of a two-party system .
13 Walesa 's call was supported by the Citizens ' Parliamentary Club , a pro-Walesa parliamentary caucus , and by the Centre Alliance and the Green Party , but was opposed by the Democratic Party and the Democratic Left parliamentary groups which argued that the dissolution issue should be broached only after the electoral law and constitutional amendments had been adopted .
14 It was only after the personal intervention of Göring , who spoke with Lipski by telephone on 6 August , that it was agreed Danzig would return to a fixed currency levy .
15 It was only after the reasonable harvest of 1922 that the spectre of nation-wide starvation receded .
16 But it was only after the persistent refusal of the Labour Party to concede complete autonomy to the ILP that the majority of members were forced to accept disaffiliation .
17 Only after the civil war broke out between Christians and Druze did the French put troops ashore , but European ‘ interest ’ in Lebanon had already been clearly established .
18 Yet they took place only after the Anglo-French war o
19 Although a small proportion of patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis develop colitis only after the biliary presentation — follow up of AIDS related sclerosing cholangitis patients ( particularly those with pathogen negative diarrhoea ) has not yet yielded any patients with non-infective colitis .
20 The systems planning team will have to ensure that rewards come during and not only after the full information systems project is implemented .
21 ( Significantly it was only after the definitive healing of the breach — in 1907 — that the ETS made its all-out effort to " resolve the Female Question " : see Chapter 5 . )
22 In ordinary lists of the fields of sociology it gets in , if at all , as a very late entry : not only after the hard stuff of class , industry and politics , of the family or of crime , but as a miscellaneous heading after the more defined fields of the sociology of religion , education and knowledge .
23 Midnight was looking thoughtfully after the receding figure .
24 Although it is difficult this long after the crucial debate to reconstruct correctly people 's positions from their own and others ' accounts , it does seem that , while some Free Presbyterian ministers in the party were opposed , others , including Paisley and Beattie , supported the new position .
25 The example illustrated in Fig. 561 is a purely timber log structure of the type built all over eastern Europe till long after the Middle Ages .
26 Ya'kub and Fenarizade Zeyneddin , for example , rose from kasabat kadiliks to the kadiliks of Aleppo , and Damascus and Aleppo , respectively not long after the Ottoman conquest of those two cities ; but whether this means that these scholars ' careers represent exceptions to the rule or , on the other hand , that Aleppo and Damascus were not yet regarded as mevleviyets is not entirely clear .
27 Lieutenant Gerry Mackenzie reported by telephone — the civilian network remained open long after the Japanese invasion — that he could see lights in the estuary of the Comoro river and a patrol went out for a quick recce .
28 I suspect the left hook with which he floored Ali in their first bout and the controversy aroused when referee Harry Gibbs decided Bugner had outpointed him will remain important entries in British boxing long after the widely-publicised arguments between Eubank and Benn have faded from memory .
29 The image of the hunt , brought into sharp focus by the cave paintings , remained in song , dance and saga long after the basic need to kill had passed .
30 Though some of the writing and most if not all the compilation were done not so long after the notorious events surrounding the capture of Jerusalem in 587 or 586 , only in the little story of the bowl of lentil soup is Esau portrayed in a poor light .
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