Example sentences of "[adv] because he [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps because he plays the field .
2 Eddie gets the best lines , perhaps because he has the most lines .
3 Nicholson on the other hand was taking the pretty route , basically because he had no choice ; no one was making him any offers .
4 He stood out among them not only because he had a surer command of his people at home , but also because Cuba is where it is , so the Russians helped him much more than the rest .
5 Mr Malik had insisted the staff also appear in uniform since early February , although Robert suspected this was only because he had a deal with the shop that supplied the ties and the socks .
6 A chubby young man called Laird Cregar appealed to me as a suspect , if only because he had the habit of being seen loitering around places where beautiful women had just been strangled .
7 The chimney sweep is bound to the church , not only because he cleans the chimneys that pump out the soot that disfigures the church but also because the church preaches a kind of Christianity that can countenance beating , starving and insanely cruel treatment towards chimney sweeps .
8 It was not only because he wanted no extra work that the husband had tried to persuade his wife she had enough on her plate without insisting on a birthday party for their four-year-old .
9 He reckons it 's only because he loves the world and the people he knows that he hates the prevailing ‘ world order ’ .
10 Barro 's procedure ignores such restrictions entirely because he estimates the monetary growth and real output equations separately and does not impose the restrictions .
11 It was always good , the more so because he spent a great deal of time trapped indoors by his choice of work , a choice governed by his wish to acquire a useful little nest-egg in a relatively short time .
12 So because he had a scraggy neck he was christened Gooseneck . ’
13 Bridges ( 1979 ) certainly does n't think so because he sees the curriculum as a selection from culture requiring value judgements over which teachers have no monopoly of wisdom .
14 Sippl , who rues the fact the Unix industry ca n't agree on a common desktop interface , reflects that it 's ‘ scary that one vendor [ Novell Inc ] is about to take over what we spent a decade building ’ largely because he offers the customer homogeneity .
15 Sippl , who rues the fact the Unix industry ca n't agree on a common desktop interface ( UX No 426 ) , reflects that it 's ‘ scary that one vendor is about to take over what we spent a decade building ’ largely because he offers the customer homogeneity .
16 The imperialist attitude was accommodated in his books all the more easily because he put the emphasis on service and sacrifice rather than on nationalist domination or material gain : an approach that may seem hypocritical to present-day readers was sincere enough in a man who set out to be a philanthropist and reformer and became a best-seller .
17 ‘ Well , what do you want his bloody autograph for , just because he reads the bloody news ? ’ she said .
18 Just because he won a few stupid car races , ’ she went on , ‘ he seems to think he rules the world !
19 Jackie had finished racing by the time I got involved in the sport , but it is utterly fitting that this collection of drivers ' portraits should begin with Jackie : not only because he was a great champion , not just because he changed the course of the sport , but because he 's really never been away .
20 Funnily enough — now this makes me think a bit , although it was probably just because he liked the name — he did call his daughter Hannah .
21 IF Gorbachev the Great is looking more and more like Mixed-up Mikhail , it is not just because he has an impossible job .
22 " Just because he paid a little attention to you to-night , " Jenny said , " you must n't think that .
23 He had expected to have a little chat with his boy , but the headmaster had explained that he had been put to bed early because he had an important French test the next day .
24 He went to prison once because he killed a man in a fight .
25 Even after Menelik 's death Lij Yasu was never crowned , possibly because he believed a prophecy that if he was crowned he would die .
26 It became clear to me at Blackpool that there was considerable support for Alec , partly because he made a good speech on foreign policy , partly because he took the chair at my meeting in his capacity as President of the National Union , and partly because of lobbying by back-benchers who saw him as the best compromise candidate .
27 It was partly because he got a weird buzz out of scaring himself half to death , and partly because he felt it was a kind of exorcism , to convince him he had control over his fears — and the horrors that were waiting for him round the corner of sleep .
28 It became clear to me at Blackpool that there was considerable support for Alec , partly because he made a good speech on foreign policy , partly because he took the chair at my meeting in his capacity as President of the National Union , and partly because of lobbying by back-benchers who saw him as the best compromise candidate .
29 He was the first to emerge from the water , partly because he had an appointment with Rose , partly because he could see Araminta leaving .
30 That in itself was a minor triumph for the Popular Front agitation ; Chamberlain moved partly because he feared the domestic consequences of not doing so .
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