Example sentences of "[adv] because [pron] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Some people who need extra care and can afford the cost actually choose it , perhaps because they understand the advantages of releasing a daughter and other family members from the 24-hour responsibility of caring .
2 Alternatively speculators might think that the exchange value of the domestic currency will fall even further in the future , perhaps because they expect the current account deficit to become permanent , and so capital inflows will decrease and capital outflows decrease accordingly .
3 Perhaps because she liked the feel of the material ; perhaps because they opened up a glimpse of another world …
4 The one of the Dallachy Strike Wing ( FP November , p29 ) has been less publicised than its counterpart at Banff to the south , perhaps because it operated the Beaufighter rather than the more glamorous Mosquito .
5 First , it seems that preliminary exposure to the training context can enhance the magnitude of the latent inhibition effect , perhaps because it retards the development of context-specificity ( Hall and Channell 1985 c ) ; second , giving animals extensive exposure to the training context alone after they have experienced presentations of the target stimulus in that context does nothing to diminish the size of the latent inhibition effect ( e.g. Hall and Minor 1984 ) .
6 High concentrations of the protein kinase inhibitor staurosporine will induce many cell types in culture to undergo apoptosis , perhaps because it blocks the intracellular signalling pathways activated by the extracellular survival factors that many cells require to live .
7 Perhaps because he plays the field .
8 Eddie gets the best lines , perhaps because he has the most lines .
9 The Christmas period is highly charged , perhaps because you sense the drum beat of change in 1993 .
10 In the overhaul of government that accompanied the War of the Spanish Succession the servants of Philip V rejected the system of the Great Councils , less because it gave the grandees too much political power than because it was incurably inefficient and incapable of organizing the monarchy for the defence of the French dynasty .
11 Oligopolists refraining from price competition merely because they recognize the likelihood of rival retaliation do not violate the law as long as their decisions are taken independently .
12 Do n't change your pattern of prayer merely because someone mentions the latest method just arrived on view .
13 The Labour Party and the trade union movement are bonded together because we share the same objectives .
14 Krashen 's ( 1981 ) views are particularly relevant to the study of BSL , not only because they lay the base for a fundamental re-examination of teaching methods ( see appendix 2 ) but because they allow us to understand more clearly the language learning problems of BSL acquirers .
15 The Junkers tolerated the troublesome middle classes only because they guaranteed the Junkers their place in German society ; the middle classes looked up to the Junker traditional leadership , and regarded them as the German image of itself .
16 Most Jews hated the Romans , not only because they occupied the country by force but because they were also Gentiles ( non-Jews ) .
17 It was only because we had the quality systems in place , okay we did n't have accreditation er at the time , but the quality systems were in place , that we were invited to tender for the Crossrail project for Rickmansworth station .
18 Of course this imaginative feat is possible only because we watch the tragedy secure in the knowledge that we shall be ourselves again when the curtain goes down .
19 Interval harmony is therefore to be recommended not only because it encourages the horizontal flow of parts and their final resolution into good harmony , but also because the process gives quicker and easier results .
20 The stored or potential energy in a raised weight can be used , for instance , to drive the mechanism of a grandfather clock though in most clocks a spring is usually more convenient , if only because it stores the same amount of energy which ever way up it is .
21 Edward VI 's Bill of 1547 encountered a great deal of opposition throughout English society not only because it concerned the chantries but also because it struck at the system of confraternities on which much of medieval life was based .
22 There are plenty of good reasons why nationalism thirsts for identification with ethnicity , if only because it provides the historical pedigree ‘ the nation ’ in the great majority of cases so obviously lacks .
23 A chubby young man called Laird Cregar appealed to me as a suspect , if only because he had the habit of being seen loitering around places where beautiful women had just been strangled .
24 The chimney sweep is bound to the church , not only because he cleans the chimneys that pump out the soot that disfigures the church but also because the church preaches a kind of Christianity that can countenance beating , starving and insanely cruel treatment towards chimney sweeps .
25 He reckons it 's only because he loves the world and the people he knows that he hates the prevailing ‘ world order ’ .
26 Only because you want the company ! ’
27 Only because you see the few selected people but generally sports players are quite good looking .
28 Barro 's procedure ignores such restrictions entirely because he estimates the monetary growth and real output equations separately and does not impose the restrictions .
29 I 'd got Nicola to say five o'clock because I knew the pool would be busy , with businessmen and secretaries dipping before heading home and a fair smattering of kids getting in practice for the school team .
30 If an asylum claim that is not justified under the United Nations convention is to be the means of obtaining settlement in the United Kingdom , we need at the very least to explain , particularly to the minority communities legitimately settled here , why their friends and relatives who would like to come and join them are not allowed to do so because they told the truth when they made their applications , whereas others who are prepared to make an unfounded asylum claim can remain indefinitely .
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