Example sentences of "[adv] good [noun sg] at [det] " in BNC.

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1 Also good value at this time of year are golfing breaks to France , Belgium and Holland , from Sally Holidays ( 071–355 2266 ) .
2 Later , after work , I got a pretty good look at these new pants of ours , as Tod stood before the full-length mirror unknotting the plump Windsor of his tie .
3 June Scott , Hammond Drive , ‘ It 's not a very good idea at all .
4 Nineteen , I do n't think that 's a very good idea at all !
5 T spells out okay so there 's some connection between a lot of the words is n't there and if you can spell one you can have a very good guess at another one that 's got that word in as part of it .
6 I do n't think it is a very good appointment at all . ’
7 Which just leaves her domestic credentials to knock into shape , and now that they 're under scrutiny I realise I 've not done a very good job at all .
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