Example sentences of "[adv] have [vb pp] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 If I liked it , I could re-apply for the one-year programme , and if I did n't , I would only have wasted five months .
2 Jorg Sambetn , a Givaudan engineer who investigated the accident after it happened , says it should only have taken 15 minutes , and can not understand why the workers omitted it .
3 Eighteen months ago , says business logistics director Alex Shepherd , the company would only have considered big names like IBM and Hewlett Packard .
4 It was conceivable that , as the area chairmen feared , higher prices in domestic tariffs would not only have discouraged undesirable loads such as peak space heating , but also the ones such as water heating and cooking which helped them in their overall commercial strategy and were largely off-peak .
5 Had she gone the long way round , using a main road , she would only have added 10 minutes to her journey .
6 Of course , many readers will already have studied some aspects of these other disciplines as well as accounting and finance .
7 Sexual dysfunction or what we loosely term " deviation " may have consequences beyond the man or Woman subject to them ; and when they are encountered by the social worker they probably will already have had such consequences .
8 Although children will already have had everyday experiences with water this may be the first time that water has been offered to them as a material to play and experiment with .
9 — i — would just have used three defenders against san marino — something like
10 The Forestry Training Council will soon have agreed vocational packages at craft level .
11 We should not regard their ‘ invention ’ of a structured gestural language as grounds for believing that earlier hominid handwaving could thus rapidly have attained parsable results .
12 For all that last season 's treble winners could still have clinched both points in the second half .
13 The total area dealt with before 1760 could hardly have exceeded 400,000 acres , a negligible amount when one thinks of England as a whole — only just over one per cent .
14 Village meetings would possibly have reached consensual decisions on the order in which crops were to be worked , under the leadership of elders .
15 It is obscured to some extent by the heavily didactic purpose of Masterman Ready and this may partly account for the fact that young readers have always claimed the adult novel , Mr Midshipman Easy , as their own , even though it must always have made considerable demands on their reading skills and their understanding .
16 Someone must always have discharged these duties ; but the mention of these officials in eleventh-century households pointed to two developments : firstly , a conscious imitation of Carolingian ways ( for Charlemagne and his heirs had surrounded themselves with seneschals and stewards ) , and secondly , a revived interest in administration .
17 It was only at this stage that the dowry of the bride , which would usually have included both jewels and the title deeds to land , was actually handed over by the bride 's parents though details of the dowry would have been settled right at the beginning at Stage 1 of the proceedings .
18 But my daughter would willingly have advanced two steps and bought a non-aerosol product , had she been more honestly informed ; the labeling on the can misled her .
19 The regression alone will probably have raised enough points for the patient to consider during the ensuing period without him having any other work to do .
20 Only the slightest movement need be proved but in practice the car will probably have travelled several miles .
21 YOU will probably have seen many films in which cases of dynamite catch fire and detonate to great cinematic effect within a few seconds .
22 The Royalist Roman Catholic French would probably have made better conquerors of Ireland , if Ireland had to be reconquered once more .
23 However the Occupational Pensions Board called for a pensions tribunal and Tony Thurham , chairman of the Association of Pensions Lawyers , said : ‘ Many pensions lawyers would have preferred a tribunal since it would probably have had greater powers and more staff .
24 Anyone earning over £9 a week and over age 18 at the time would probably have paid graduated contributions and be due a pension .
25 ( They may also have generated some demands by spreading the word about regimes and rules in the Northern Ireland prison system , which are in several respects more liberal than in England . )
26 Given that Mr Slade 's and Mr Kempton 's salaries were identical , the inspector formed the view that Mr Kempton may also have received undisclosed amounts from the company .
27 However , the deficiency of H is clear , and there are no plausible means by which H can be retained in the interior in substantially greater quantities than C and N. In section 4.4.3 certain difficulties were noted of Venus losing to space large quantities of H. To these difficulties must now be added the difficulty that if Venus has lost large quantities of H to space then the Earth , with its warm exosphere and Mars with its low gravitational field , should also have lost large quantities of H. This supports the conclusion that Venus has always been deficient in H , but it does not help explain why .
28 And waters passing through the earth 's crust at hydrothermal vents etcetera will also have undergone chemical changes so again pool waters being emitted will vary in their composition .
29 He may also have developed some connections with the Tempests of Bracewell .
30 He may also have developed some connections with the Tempests of Bracewell .
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