Example sentences of "[adv] have [vb pp] up [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Oh , Doctor , ’ threatened Fakrid , ‘ you 'd better have come up with something .
2 The ankle muscles were holding the foot in an almost normal position — oblivious to the fact that the joints had nothing to rest on , that this was a classic case of a boy who would normally have ended up with a club foot .
3 Besides John Winchcombe , junior , who was assessed at the unusually high figure of £630 , Newbury in 1522 had three residents worth £100 or so and ten more in the £40 — £99 range , including William Dolman who had been the elder Winchcombe 's works manager ; now , at 100 marks , he might already have set up in business for himself .
4 Perhaps the policeman had looked into Erlich 's face and calculated that if he had not stood aside then he might just have ended up on his back .
5 Melanie could easily have grown up into that sort of woman .
6 The competitive weakness of the British economy was truly overdetermined : even if the financial institutions had been more disposed towards promoting industrial investment , even if managements had been more competent and imaginative , the restructuring of industry would still have run up against the formidable defensive conservatism of the organised working class .
7 They may not always have turned up with what teachers would have wished , but I am sure that there has been a great acceptance of the way in which they have carried out a very difficult task .
8 They are cared for by the shepherds , who would once have come up for the summer along with the animals , and slept in their traditional , bleak little cabins ; nowadays , they are for the most part motorized and can commute genteelly to the livestock from their homes below .
9 So claiming that had this relationship continued Hilary would probably have ended up as the wife of a petrol pump attender rather than the wife of the President of the United States .
10 You 'd probably have ended up in an asylum . ’
11 Lydia , picturing Hywel 's dark eyes , thought that he 'd probably have put up with a great deal rather than have strangers in his house .
12 I wondered briefly what a British nursing sister would have said , but the act of motherly comfort may well have made up for the lack of quiet during the day .
13 Oddly enough , Stirling might well have ended up as a brigadier with an even larger command .
14 It is admitted that the gradings assigned to the respective countries have been done on a subjective basis and that different observers might well have come up with somewhat different rankings .
15 If they had interviewed the — what were then termed — clerical officers and assistants , they may well have come up with different results .
16 Earlier , for brief periods of the day , she had contemplated making up a foursome not unhappily , might have taken risks , might even have ended up in bed with someone , the classic holiday encounter .
17 Some may even have come up from the West Highland Way which runs below Am Bodach in a secluded glen parallel to Loch Leven .
18 Immigrant doctors in Britain may silently have put up with a lot of it in the past , but those born and educated in Britain have every right to expect that they will be judged strictly on merit .
19 I think the record , it 's available in the archives , historians who are honest and hardworking could even then have come up with erm answers that would have incriminated the German leaders of nineteen-fourteen , and therefore moved German society , I believe , substantially towards the democratic centre , if not the Social Democratic Left .
20 He 'd never told Mum about the words he 'd had with the relief officers , which was a blessing really because she would never have shut up about it .
21 I said , ‘ Goodness me , if you were really ill , you could never have stood up to this trip the way you have .
22 Bourgeois , even liberal , France , would never have given up without a fight .
23 Desire , yes , of course , or they would never have ended up like this , but also a reluctant fascination and a curiously protective tendency that she found both touching and revealing .
24 He 'd upset her thoroughly , and obviously she was still sulking , because she would never have got up before him otherwise .
25 I know now I 'd never have caught up in time in my old car .
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