Example sentences of "[adv] have be [verb] for " in BNC.

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31 The rabbit might as well have been stuffed for all the movement it made , and I could see that it definitely was staring right at me , its little eyes not blinking , its tiny nose not sniffing , its ears untwitched .
32 Alternatively , Ho may simply have been waiting for something to turn up , something that would tip the scales one way or the other in the situation that was neither peace nor war .
33 His tone had changed and now held an inflexion that could almost have been mistaken for tenderness .
34 Garter snakes could almost have been made for the purpose , being undemanding in their housing and dietary requirements , harmless and relatively simple to breed in captivity … certainly less problematic than any lizard .
35 The common link between all three exhibitors is Hartlepool and its Art Club and many of the works here might almost have been destined for those annual sorties into the Hartlepool Marina and the town 's burgeoning renaissance .
36 In fact , some small part of the new funds might indeed have been used for this purpose as the societies ' balance sheet shows , but it will be only a very small proportion of the total funds received .
37 Furthermore , gradation could equally lead to heavier sentences than might otherwise have been given for conduct which comes within the higher categories , although this could be regulated by appeal courts and sentencing guidelines .
38 But , more than that , his predilection for Neath players deprived the club of their own best talent so that when they would otherwise have been training for the league , instead they were training for the Five Nations Championship .
39 There is a strong tradition that it is bad luck to disturb a standing stone or stone circle and fear of retribution has undoubtedly helped preserve many that might otherwise have been removed for building stone , gateposts and the like .
40 Life must go on , they intimated , while stressing that the stadium would never have been considered for a semi-final involving Liverpool or Nottingham Forest .
41 Hegarty also attacked the NIHT for the letting policy on its Belmont estate where , of 185 families , 48 were from outside the Derry area , 25 were policemen and 71 had made applications after 1 January 1959 : ‘ That makes 144 families who should never have been considered for housing at all , ’ he said .
42 Even dressed as he now was , in a blue cotton jacket and trousers , he could never have been taken for an Italian , and since he was n't able to walk — he could only hop on one leg — or speak the language , he was hardly likely to remain free for long out in the open .
43 I was running the wrong race ; I should never have been entered for it in the first place .
44 A similar situation outside any other town would almost certainly have been used for such a purpose ; it would seem , therefore , that there was some special reason , at present unknown , why this land was not so used at Rochester .
45 One could therefore have been forgiven for wondering if he took it all totally seriously .
46 No better environment could therefore have been found for Philip Miller when he came to Chelsea in 1722 .
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