Example sentences of "[adv] when [pers pn] come out " in BNC.

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1 Charles had his own household to deal with his affairs which he had brought together when he came out of the forces .
2 Never mind that this is very seldom what happens when a bullet strikes a forehead and especially when it comes out at the back of the head .
3 And erm , one day we had friends round , and I went into the loo it stinks of smoke in here , it was really bizarre , and I , I went , and sort of just thought oh , and then I went in again , and I really did smell , and I thought , this is really odd , and so when I came out here I said , did anyone else smell smoke in the ba in the bathroom , and they said oh yeah , I could smell cigarette smoke , and then , it must have just been upstairs , and it wafted down , and in through ours , cos there was no one else really around .
4 I 'd read about , I read erm read in erm some paper or other not so very long ago , about erm a funeral and the that was going along the road of course , and they came to a to a erm hotel and they were och , they were going for miles and miles and miles and they went into this hotel and the they party the funeral party went into the hotel and had a good few drinks and they were well away when they came out and they they they went away without the coffin , for two miles , two miles before they discovered that they did n't have the coffin .
5 ‘ They were loading up to leave just when we came out . ’
6 I kissed her once when she came out of the chapel on a First Friday .
7 Amitha : Yes , and later when I came out as lesbian , suspicious of me too .
8 And we used to arrange football teams , cricket teams , during the before you went into school , playtime and very often when you came out of school .
9 Yes , well when we came out Bryony was difficult to start with , she did n't want her coat on .
10 Well when it comes out of it .
11 ‘ And I 'll still be here when you come out ! ’
12 So I held his hand all the way and mum was there and I said you 'll be alright dad I said do n't worry about it I said er , we 'll be here when you come out , he said yeah alright , I 'm alright , so as the surgeon came out he said look Mrs he said I 've seen your daughter , yeah , I have to say this to you he said it 's a fifty , fifty percent chance that John will come back from the operation , operation OK and he said it 's a one hundred percent chance he wo n't without surgery of course he do n't know anything , got his little cap on
13 Yes , said to me dad and all , but I said to me dad I love you , I 've always loved you you know and I 'll be here when you come out I said you 'll be out do n't worry , crying when he went in
14 All I was told is that you 're getting twelve months guarantee , but you 've got to have a three thousand mile service , and as the gentleman said erm I recorded the deliveries and sent them all back and on the third one , when I took it in I asked if they 'd put a new set of points in for me and erm unfortunately when it came out there was no compression at all and because because I it was suggested that I dug my heels in a bit and got an independent report and erm basically they told me to get lost because it cost fifty pound to do the report .
15 When that aim is interpreted , or at least when it comes out of the other end of the machine , it results in the odd ex-chief executive being appointed .
16 I was terrible on drugs , shouting , swearing … ‘ ) , of her daughter being taken into care and being kept there when she come out of hospital after getting off the doctors ’ drugs .
17 At first his wife never left him , since the doctors had told her that it was vital that he should find her there when he came out of his coma , and then when the immediate danger had passed she visited him three times a day and gave him his meals .
18 There was nobody there when I came out .
19 ‘ If I left that at the door of St Joe 's in Greenock it would n't be there when I came out , ’ chirps Lesley .
20 Well I presume so because it was n't there when I came out .
21 And then when we came out of school Dean sent a firelight at people .
22 Then when we came out we s went around London to see the sights but the decorations but why we went I did n't think anything to them at all this year .
23 Then when we come out of Assembly there 's another .
24 So ideally when you come out is Sunday afternoon in n it ?
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