Example sentences of "[adv] one [noun] that [be] " in BNC.

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1 So one thing that was mentioned this morning was somebody wanted to be able to be more persuasive in order to put a point of view across .
2 Er I think there was only one question that was raised during the er course of the discussion Chairman which erm Mike assured and Mr raised the point about the Channel Tunnel , the effect that that might have of er erm passenger Gatwick .
3 ‘ As far as I can see there is only one house that is easier to get at that way than by going through the town , and that is the house on stilts . ’
4 There was only one peg that was ice-free and I predicted that if anything was caught at all that peg would be the last to produce .
5 ‘ To open up the possibility of independence there 's only one party that is interested in independence , and that 's the Scottish National Party , ’ he says .
6 There 's only one shop that 's existing .
7 In fact , as of July 1991 , only one concentration that was a merger in the traditional sense of the word , which was between two Japanese banks , had been notified to the Commission ; the rest were concerned concentrations that came within the wider definition .
8 Back up to the lungs , okay , now in that little system there , there 's just one thing that 's interesting to note , when you spoke about circulatory system this morning or yesterday rather with Audrey , you spoke about the blood being always leaving the heart , yes , via the arteries , yes
9 At first there was just one loudspeaker that was used to announce community meetings and activities , and organise support for different neighbourhood needs .
10 His line on playing live is one of the canniest you can come across : ‘ There 's always one element that 's not quite right .
11 Er well one address that is suitable for children .
12 She would need at least one room that was n't like a builder 's yard , ’ Sam says .
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