Example sentences of "[adv] up [prep] [pron] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Walking thoughtfully up to her room , she sat on the bed .
2 ‘ Yesterday it was only up to my knees : by tomorrow or the next day it 'll be this high at least . ’
3 She heard the sharp hiss of his indrawn breath , and then he bent forwards and drew her gently up into his arms .
4 The bathwater lapped gently up around her neck as she slid deeper .
5 Magee leant forward and touched the man 's shoulder , simultaneously pushing the knife gently up beneath his chin so that the point was just touching flesh .
6 Rebecca had silk slippers on her feet , with the device that the King had granted the Everards embroidered on them : it had amused her , during the serene days between squalls on the voyage from Plymouth , to sit on deck and stitch the image of the seamonster harnessed by the naked man , halfway up to his waist in water , while natives in feather skirts cavorted on the shore behind .
7 A ringed plover looked trustingly up from her nest on the shingle , so close to the path , and did not stir as we filed quietly by .
8 God , he was so gorgeous … her hands were moving on to his strong thoat , thrusting into his black hair , she was losing her head again as the kiss deepened and she heard him give a low growl of harsh excitement , his mouth increasing the pressure until Rachel was obliterated by him , dazed , clutching him with shaking hands , gasping hoarsely against his mouth , feeling his strong hands move swiftly up to her breasts to stroke her nipples and force a long hoarse cry of exquisite desire from her .
9 Others were clearly no longer up to their profession .
10 The grenade exploded with a yellow flash of light that revealed a line of three of them already up on their feet , firing from the hip .
11 While civil servants and directors wade through the legal quagmire of whether to record unmet needs , many staff who have to implement the policy are already up to their necks in it .
12 They 've been in England for less than 12 hours but Janos Bunta and his Romanian friends are already up to their elbows in flour and pastry .
13 Well , ten minutes later it was still up to me knees , I said , I ca n't keep this up and he shouted something down to somebody else , who shouted to somebody else , Put your sprags back lads .
14 She hitched the linen further up into her arms .
15 No , no , but , bearing up , I mean they were made before his teeth were taken out , his plates had been gone , and they just add it , the , the extra teeth to it and they did n't know that it , it had n't , you know , taken all the rest of the teeth out , it was then going to be further up in his mouth
16 Soon a large woman emerged from the block and walked smartly up to his cart .
17 So it was all settled ; y'Pripio smiled blandly , Mala 's temper subsided to a Mark 2 , and the Emissary 's hand slid smartly up into my groin .
18 She walked past him to the door , and though he followed and came quickly up to her side he did not again offer her his hand .
19 Once up in her room , he said , ‘ I 'm afraid I may not be able to come again until next Friday .
20 He whined and shivered , and my young blood mixed on his slavering chops with gamey saliva and thick eye-mucus as he girned and looked shakily and pleadingly up at my father , who picked him up and strangled him .
21 The candlelight shining directly up into his face threw his top lip , cheekbones and eyebrows into sharp relief , and blacked out his eyes .
22 as if he could suddenly feel her looking at him , he glanced directly up at her window .
23 His fingers moved gently and delicately up over her nipple , swollen and thrusting against the thin silk of her dress , and all at once she felt a startling , sharp thrill of pleasure as the enlarged aureole hardened beneath his hand .
24 Ajayi looked slowly up at her companion , her old lined face gradually contorting into a smile .
25 Lachlan walked slowly up to his room and stared down at his wife lying smiling at him ; and at the red , crumpled face and red , crumpled hair of his son , yelling just like his father in a temper ; and back to Marion again .
26 ‘ Er — wha-what time is it ? ’ she mumbled , her mind too sleepy and uncoordinated to cope with the sharp , quivering response that gripped her stomach as she blinked nervously up at her husband .
27 With a loud sniff , she climbed wearily up to her bedroom .
28 She 's got her stocking feet right up between his legs and cuddles his feet in her ample bosom , having previously removed his shoes and socks and displayed them in sideways V-sign on the little shelf at the window .
29 Her gorgeous tail curls right up over her back and wags incessantly .
30 Then she felt the coverlet being pulled off the bed and João was on top of her and his sweet breath was in her face and his mouth over her mouth ; he was forcing her legs apart until she thought she would split ; he was trying to lift them right up over his shoulders , and at the same time trying to enter where she was impossibly small , cursing at his lack of success and finally grunting and gasping , until she felt a little damp fountain on her belly and he rolled off the bed and pattered quickly from the room .
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