Example sentences of "[adv] who would [vb infin] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 But the sociologist of religion is interested in far more complicated questions than merely who would call themselves Methodist , Muslim or Mormon — or the proportion of each faith that attends a place of worship each day or week or month , or commits suicide in a particular year .
2 So who would say him nay ?
3 But , as far as I was concerned , he was just another rockabilly who 'd park his flash motor out the front and seemed to have more money than all the rest of us put together .
4 She 'd screamed at them through her letter-box , and shoved an old iron poker into the gap , waving it about in an obscene fashion which had made Stuart laugh ; when neighbouring tenants began to bang on the walls they left the parcel outside the door , not sure who would find it first .
5 ‘ There are n't many men who would attack a woman on the street but there are plenty who would attack their wife or partner in the privacy of their own home , ’ says Shirley Tulloch of the Community Affairs Branch of the Metropolitan Police .
6 The , if any of the ladies would like to go down to the village or anybody , the church is open and I think there 's somebody there who would welcome you to show you round the church down in the village which , I know , during the war years at different times , quite a lot of you chaps did attend and er so we do hope you will see and , and of course later on I hope you 'll be coming down to mine for a cup of tea .
7 Perhaps there would be someone there who would make her forget .
8 Do you know that there 's men running clubs up there who would murder somebody like you or me would have a cup of tea ?
9 When we got that , when we had ours it , and er they said if you if you found someone else who would like who would have cold shield you would get er , seventy five pounds back .
10 When we got that , when we had ours and er they said if you if you found someone else who would like who would have you would get seventy five pounds back and you gave the thing , who was it who was thinking about it ?
11 And then the woman that would lend them money 'd say , well you 're not having any more , so you 'd got to try and find somebody else who 'd lend you money .
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