Example sentences of "[adv] than with [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 When she applies this to her test situations , however , she tends to interpret it in the narrow sense of explicitness rather than with reference to the higher orders of logic to which abstractness usually refers and which the general weight of her argument implies .
2 This attention to the total psychological development of the child is indeed a new phenomenon , in that earlier generations of parents have been chiefly preoccupied by the related themes of physical survival and moral growth , rather than with concepts of mental health or social and emotional adjustment .
3 If ideals or values are essentially statements of faith which can not be logically sustained then much of our examination will be concerned with persuasion rather than with facts in themselves .
4 It is interesting to note that the aspects of SSE which discriminated most strongly between respondents and non-respondents were to do specifically with the Oxfordshire scheme as it had operated in their school rather than with SSE as a general notion .
5 The research is concerned with the long-run impact of government policy , rather than with issues of short-run macro-economic policy .
6 He 'd been more clever than the rest , luring her with an ill grandmother rather than with promises of extravagance , but now the truth was out .
7 Heat from the projector will dry up ink in the pens more quickly than with preparation on the film beforehand .
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