Example sentences of "[adv] so [adj] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Polly was suddenly so happy she wanted to shout and sing .
2 Cos in actual fact there was a , a lot of sort of de facto redistribution because er some of these account settling things were just so ridiculous you know make them pay for crimes their family had committed over the last sixty years or whatever .
3 It ai n't like I 'm going nowhere special — it 's just so cold I got to move to keep from freezing .
4 And we had expected rather a slump after Christmas that has n't happened really so that er you know we 're just so busy I mean one thing to the next really .
5 There had been years of smoking , drinking , sexual intercourse and dances , helped by there being a fire escape outside her bedroom and the fact her parents were always so exhausted they slept like mummies .
6 I said ooh cos I said when I come here we 're always so busy I said I only get as far as er er the kitchen do n't I ?
7 You 've been ever so , ever so noisy you have !
8 that 's what I 'd guessed , erm , so I said no , I said they 're fine , so she said oh I 'm ever so sorry I said do n't be I said these sort of things get around , I mean it 's , she kept go and then I went on to describe how I virtually done not too a dissimilar thing going up the road trying to talk to people about writing in to object , you know with this planning application and erm , I said I sort of knock on someone 's door up there and I thought it was the next door that the husband had died and it was that one
9 So he said oh I 'm ever so sorry he said he 's gone out .
10 We bought it with to show oh you did n't get , it 's ever so good he got it out and he read most of it ever so well it 's lovely
11 Yeah , but it 's a really , really weird thing , it 's ever so heavy it looks as if it will be very hard to grind the coffee .
12 Obviously both so drunk they did n't even understand correctly spoken English .
13 She was probably so drugged she did n't struggle .
14 A lone mercenary thinks he 's tough enough to take on a bunch of macho gun-toting enemy soldiers ( who are probably so 'ard they eat shredded wheat , box and all , for brekky ) .
15 So far so good we 've had erm church conference and been sick so I mean yeah that 's
16 Simon , whose medal in the individual event was Britain 's first for 84 years , is now so hard-up he has to rely on drinks from mates and his girlfriend .
17 The Sussex is very like the Devon in type , performance and character but bigger , less ‘ tidy ’ and more of a very deep chestnut-brown in colour , often so dark it seems almost blood-black .
18 Chardonnay is the most highly revered white grape of the southern hemisphere , and in Australia it produces buttery , honeyed wines , broadened and enriched by maturation in oak , sometimes so oaky it stings .
19 ‘ I warned him time and again — he got sometimes so drunk they had tae carry him inside the cage — but what kin ye dae wie a man that wo n't listen ? ’
20 This year , having described Martin Amis 's novel London Fields — at first widely expected to win the Booker Prize — ‘ as a fizzy , spiky , savagely satirical book ’ which was ‘ sometimes so horrible it makes you gag , so funny it makes you fall off your chair ’ , the judges instead gave the prize to Lindsay Clarke for The Chymical Wedding .
21 Where it 's not quite so good I feel is on her face .
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