Example sentences of "[adv] as [conj] she [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 She used to ring Otto at his office , rather as if she felt this experience had some professional interest to Otto .
2 ‘ But there are things you have no experience of , ’ he continued inexorably as if she had n't spoken .
3 First let her fear build up : let her come to believe that this prize , this catch of the season , would leave her not only as if she had never met him but somehow spoiled .
4 He held out the clipboard impatiently as if she quibbled over a minor detail .
5 ‘ That 's the image you project on stage , ’ he continued mildly as if she had n't spoken .
6 There seemed no point in justifying her mistake still further , so she merely sat down in silence and allowed Lyddy to place paper and ink and a pen before her , just as if she had summoned her all the way upstairs for that very purpose .
7 ‘ Would you mind if they had ? ’ he asked , just as if she 'd spoken the thought aloud .
8 She flinched away as if she 'd been burnt .
9 With a furious blink , she met Guy 's intent appraisal across the table , and whipped her gaze away as if she 'd been burned .
10 ‘ I noticed , ’ she said , reaching out to touch him — and pulling away as if she had been stung as the telephone rang inside the house .
11 She felt as guilty about running away as if she had just robbed a lame beggar of his last groat .
12 She smiled back then looked away quickly as if she had been caught doing something wrong .
13 And remembering it — it seemed more as if she relived it — her whole body ached , tensed , fidgeted .
14 Her presence in the workhouse in itself seems an odd occurrence ; it was hardly as if she had no-one to turn to — any one of her brothers must have been in a position to help when help was needed .
15 The old woman stared at him and her eyes were bright and piercing and the silver thimble had fallen to the lap of her dress , and her fists were clenched now as if she searched for a memory , and her husband watched her anxiously as if he witnessed that she was at war within herself .
16 She was as much a part of this murky landscape now as if she had been born here , every step of the way between Miss Gemma Dallam 's cloistered corner and her own — in spirit a universe apart — being so familiar to her that it seemed she had always known them , or had known them before , in another place , a dozen other places ; another life .
17 When Benny moved to the end of the vestibule — striding boldly as if she belonged , hoping to attract less attention than a furtive visitor would — she was momentarily stunned at the sheer scale of what lay before her .
18 She was breathing hard as if she had been running .
19 Quickly , she put on her coat and hat , looking round fearfully as if she expected at any moment to feel Sikes ' heavy hand on her shoulder .
20 She could not refuse him , accordingly , and did not ; but more and more it was almost as if she had given in to Mr Poole 's demands ; one man was much like another .
21 She stopped abruptly , almost as if she had metaphorically clapped a hand over her mouth .
22 It was almost as if she had forgotten how to .
23 When he spoke , it was almost as if she had put the words in his mouth .
24 If she found it stretching credulity that a meeting between them was n't inevitable she 'd always fiercely denied to herself that she had any interest in seeing him again , so why should she be feeling so shivery and hot , almost as if she had a fever ?
25 Robbie shivered suddenly , almost as if she had encountered the aura of one of these sad ghosts .
26 It was perhaps less a prayer than a wish , in its final form ; but by the time the Queen went to bed that evening , it looked almost as if she had been heard .
27 She appeared to have been holding a makeshift icepack to the side of her head and a couple of the cubes had skidded out of reach and begun to melt , almost as if she 'd been in too much of a hurry to stretch over for them .
28 ’ I still have my doubts , ’ she said , almost as if she 'd heard my thought .
29 Susan felt the gesture as if it had barely lapsed — felt his hand on the nape of her neck , the gentle pull that turned her face up to his — and she cried out , almost as if she hoped to be heard .
30 ‘ Where does your kindness come from ? ’ she asked , and said it almost as if she expected no answer .
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