Example sentences of "[adv] what i [vb base] is " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps what I mean is you have a powerful feeling of love , and while you 're on drugs , you experience no hate or fear . ’
2 So what I propose is that we put the notion of happiness back in its box and restrict ourselves to the word ‘ happy ’ , which people do in fact use in everyday circumstances .
3 So what I suggest is that we
4 Her face is pretty bloody and that , so what I do is wet some paper tissues under the tap , and real careful like , I rub the blood off of her mouth and chin .
5 I do n't want them to ask me any more questions , so what I do is I lie back in the sofa and shut my eyes like I 'm asleep .
6 I want to sleep in my old room , so what I do is take the mattress and stick it back in my old room .
7 I get a bit flustered with all the letters , so what I do is , I take them all and go to Sonja 's room .
8 I get a bit dizzy again and have to take it easy , so what I do is I walk with one arm against the shop windows and that , so I do n't fall over .
9 So what I do is try and think about everybody involved .
10 So what I do is , I , I turn one off at night downstairs and I put one on in the bedroom
11 The dilemma is not even as simple as this , because under certain conditions , exactly what I need is to see someone else going through the steps , or to have my behaviour confirmed , or to hear the generality articulated .
12 I mean , when I record a solo on an album , I put down on tape exactly what I think is the best possible lead for the song , so why should I mess with that ?
13 Now what I recommend is that you always use the F version of any of these diagnostic test statistics and we can go on to look at the others erm in a moment .
14 Well what I want is the black and the cerise
15 Well what I do is like put it on a tray , right what we do is in the night right and if you 'd stayed up late I 'd put cheese
16 Yeah , well what I do is I delete it
17 And , indeed , as befits someone who 's hovering on the edge of idolatry , even her vocabulary has gone a little pagan ‘ Till dieted by thee I grow mature in knowledge as the Gods who all things know ’ , and then what I think is a brilliant touch on Milton 's part , the very next line says to us ‘ Though others envy what they can not give ’ .
18 you see I moved a bit more now but and I I 've still got good hearing er apart from this ear here , this ear , I ca n't hear so well , quite so well , this side , you see so I always have to say excuse me while I , hang on while I turn off the television , you see , and then they have to wait a minute till I turn it off and then what I do is because I have this phone extension put in
19 Okay what I have is a starter pack
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