Example sentences of "[adv] there would be [det] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps there would be some trenchant criticism of the accounting techniques used by some significant companies and sanctioned by eminent auditors , or new ideas about the direction that accounting standards might take .
2 But perhaps there would be some way of persuading her ; at any rate , Emily would not give up her ideas .
3 Soon perhaps there would be another announcement .
4 He said , naturally there would be some changes amongst plant and animal life , but species would adapt to suit the changes in climate and atmosphere and so on .
5 However , in practice , if your claim is successful we would expect to recover all or most of your legal costs in addition to the compensation and so there would be little or no shortfall .
6 But of course if he worked for Raleigh where they 've got a vast labour force a vast pay as you earn scheme then any income would be taxed by Raleigh as a subsidiary source so there would be another code number there , they would actually be collecting tax at two sources , but they would still need to allocate allowances , it may well be that , at Raleigh for example , they 've covered that by allowances in which case they pull back five hundred pounds there to collect .
7 Tonight there would be another raid , sure as hell there would , and everything would be covered with muck and dust again .
8 It would take place in a different context , nevertheless there would be that opportunity and no doubt the adequacy of a public consultation exercise at the proposed modification stage would be a matter for the County Council themselves to decide .
9 The belief that sooner or later there would be another national emergency , which would force the nation to turn once again to him , was fundamental to de Gaulle 's strategy throughout the long years of opposition between 1946 and 1958 .
10 Overall there would be some increase in the recruitment of girls , but no qualitative improvement .
11 Often there would be some drama : Razia , the loudest and most ebullient of Chaman 's chelas would be wringing her hands and weeping because her new boyfriend had gone off to Ajmer or because Chaman had called her a tart or because her pet goat had gone missing ; she always suspected her neighbours were planning to slaughter it .
12 She even climbed to the old attic that she had never even seen before ; perhaps here there would be some painting he had done long ago .
13 If you want to stop at seventy three point six million erm pounds we 're quite happy to erm and I suggest Chairman if if we do n't get the the main er growth savings through at the next few minutes of voting that perhaps a rather longer lunch erm maybe there would be some .
14 Further , it was hoped that if nothing happened during the trial which newspapers could turn into titillating copy for their readers , then there would be less incentive for the papers to give widespread coverage .
15 Then there would be those patients who were Catholic . ’
16 But then there would be those chauvinistic enough to say if my actions led on to rape than I 'd ‘ have asked for it . ’
17 And then there would be more trees pl Oh yes , and on either side of this , this pathway , there would also be an avenue of trees .
18 Then the gardens were befind behind the front row and then there would be another row of cottages behind that again .
19 If this had happened , and if one could state confidently that the Parliament of England had survived these events , albeit in an altered state , whereas the parliaments first , of Scotland , and later , of Ireland , had disappeared from the scene , then there would be some warrant for assuming that the law , customs , conventions and powers of the Parliament of England had survived , whereas those of the others had not .
20 I 'd get her settled and then there would be some distraction and she 'd start jumping around , or ‘ bating ’ as falconers call it .
21 If expectations of the general level of prices rose to some level between P and P 2 then there would be some stimulus to output and some rise in prices .
22 He added : ‘ I am sure that if I had my time again there would be many things I would do differently ’ , but went on : ‘ Criticism is part of the price of leadership . ’
23 Quite likely there would be those who travelled to the Continent in the hope of establishing family links though most of the original strangers ' would by now be dead .
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