Example sentences of "[adv] are [vb pp] to be " in BNC.

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1 Gradual developing defects , cracks , etc. are expected to be remedied by the Insured before they develop to such an extent that the stoppage of the machine and immediate repair which could be construed as breakdown of the machine .
2 The subsidence costs are incurred by British Coal and so are said to be internalized .
3 Although it is too early to assess the full effects , some of the rich shellfish and oyster beds offshore are thought to be in some danger .
4 It appears that highly productive authors will not necessarily publish in those journals which have the highest circulation , and which hence are presumed to be those used for those papers which an author wishes to reach the largest possible readership .
5 ‘ Experiences , relationships etc are considered to be supportive when the individual involved sees the experience tin terms of his values , goals , expectations , and aspirations ) as contributing to or maintaining his sense of personal worth and importance . ’
6 Villages with vineyards rated between go and 99% inclusive are considered to be premiers crus while those classed at 100% are grands crus .
7 Changes which are identified here are thought to be suggestive of changes which might take place in other areas of Shetland as the construction phase of the oil era winds down , and the oil production phase takes off in earnest .
8 At the same time that this mischief is done , the wood itself is ( timber excepted ) but of a miserable account , as any one may suppose , when he is informed , that these shaws have a fence only on one side , and consequently are exposed to be eaten by the cattle that graze in the fields ; hence there is an imperfect system of wood , an injured one of corn , and wretched fences ; by aiming at too much , nothing arrives at perfection .
9 However hard modern choreographers may try there are bound to be similarities to older ballets because their vocabulary is not limitless .
10 This may sound bureaucratic and boring but without it there are bound to be anguishing problems of the kind : ‘ I handed in my work on time but it must have got lost in the pile ’ .
11 The majority of severely handicapped persons need some help in the routine of ordinary living , as travel , shopping , housework , catering and so on are bound to be difficult and sometimes impossible .
12 Such experiences as love , hate , anger , sympathy , guilt , joy , sorrow and so on are considered to be abstract things as opposed to concrete objects like stones , trees or physical bodies .
13 The club however are believed to be in no hurry to agree until he proves his fitness .
14 Neither are intended to be dominated by games .
15 If your bills are always sailing through taxation as drawn , it may be that your draftsman is getting it spot on , but equally it may be because the bills are being constantly understated and therefore are found to be unobjectionable .
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