Example sentences of "[adv] at [adj] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 Apparently at this particular time there was a considerable amount of traffic on the road in question and traffic from one direction had halted in order to allow that the young girl and her friend to cross the road they began to cross on the zebra crossing but , as she reached the centre of the road Mrs was driving her vehicle in the opposite direction and she failed to stop the young girl , in her teens , was unable to take , avoiding acci action and she was knocked down as she crossed the road .
2 It was deeply appreciated , especially at this difficult time .
3 She need not rely for her sense of identity upon outward appearance ; she may in fact look beautiful , she may look a mess ; it does not matter greatly at that particular time .
4 It will be sufficient if the level of agreement in conviction is high enough at any given time to allow debate over fundamental practices like legislation and precedent to proceed in the way I described in Chapter 2 , contesting discrete paradigms one by one , like the reconstruction of Neurath 's boat one plank at a time at sea .
5 In the second and third years … drama , dance and music are taught together , but with three staff timetabled ; so at any one time we split the groups up we 've got group numbers of about 20 — three staff between two forms — and they 'll say work in drama on a theme for six weeks , then move on and explore that theme in music , then move on and explore that in dance .
6 " It having been Stated to this Meeting that a regular Ferry from Skiba to Gartbreck would contribute much to the Convenience of Travellers " they agree " to Engage a proper person , who will engage to maintain a proper Ferry Boat ready at all reasonable times to Ferry passengers … "
7 But just at this particular time we 've got a lot of residents with Zimmer frames and they really just are n't steady enough without one of the care staff going across with them , which does happen .
8 But something is still needed to explain Nietzsche 's willingness to commit himself so totally at this particular time ; and the November meeting , usually taken to be the cause , can not by itself have been sufficient .
9 Mrs Bauwens , 36 , said : ‘ I am very grateful to David and Judith for their support both at that difficult time and since .
10 Call tomorrow at this same time .
11 Well at that particular time I was already on the council , I was doing family planning which took up an awful lot of my time .
12 Well at that particular time I could n't tell him .
13 Well at that particular time on the bureau , the means test was prevalent then and you were getting twelve shillings a week .
14 Vaguely irritated , she decided to blame Aunt Bertha for the incident , because it was on her account that she was here at this particular time .
15 I am told that she always looked attractive and very well turned out even at this particular time
16 Recent work on the interwar period has disputed that the plight of the peasantry even at this difficult time was as disastrous as has been claimed .
17 Now the , the pensions when they raised at the same time , because we only pension raised every year , and we 're up there at that particular time at the Lothian region , a full council meeting .
18 Notwithstanding these restrictions , Basque officials are confident that the quality of the art works that will be transferred to Bilbao will be guaranteed by clauses in the agreement , and by the fact that , due to a lack of space in the New York Museum , only about one-seventh of the total Solomon Guggenheim collection can ever be exhibited there at any one time .
19 Around 32 people can stay there at any one time in multi-bedded or twin rooms .
20 Curates in deacons ' orders did not ask evangelical Bishops how many of their clergy were of the catholic persuasion at half-past nine on August evenings , or indeed at any other time .
21 It should be visited only before about 8am , or after 5pm when the light is at its best , and certainly could n't be photographed successfully at any other time .
22 I appreciate obviously tonight we have are not not gon na carried today but nonetheless it is something that we believe in very firmly and I hope we have the opportunity to try and persuade you otherwise at some other time .
23 The random nature of turbulent motion gives a diffusive action ; two fluid particles that happen to be close together at some instant are likely to be much further apart at any later time .
24 Speakers have a wide range of variables at their disposal , and a wide range of personas to " be " linguistically at any one time .
25 And so therefore at any one time we are working , I mean that 's what we do , you know we are working at one particular area .
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