Example sentences of "[adv] he have not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Apparently he had n't heard the door and I stood there until slowly , still reading , he set his head in my direction and smiled .
2 I thought that he could have telephoned me if it were unobtainable but apparently he had n't bothered , and the sheet music was indeed not to be had .
3 It was interesting that apparently he had n't chosen to .
4 The fact that the Queen was pro-German would have been particularly hurtful to the Emperor personally , for only he had not succumbed to the general enthusiasm for a war he had never wanted and for which he feared the country was ill-prepared .
5 If only he had not caught nits and been sent home from school , fallen in the beck , lost his shoes , been attacked by Rosie or injured his hand just because he was too cowardly to follow Buddie 's instructions .
6 In this way the homosexual writer is granted a dubious measure of liberal pity ( ‘ if only he had n't lived in such a repressive world ’ ) while at the same time the heterosexual critic distances the threatening possibility that a homosexual writer might have a great many insights into the codes , mechanisms and ideologies of heterosexuality itself .
7 If only he had n't captured her heart .
8 If only he had n't opened his mouth .
9 If only he had n't had his retirement during his career !
10 If only he had n't sold to that dreadful man , you would n't be having such a miserable time . ’
11 But if only he had n't told her .
12 Only he has n't got any imagination , ’ he said .
13 Or perhaps he was n't being considerate , she suddenly realised with a pang — perhaps he had n't made a move simply because he was n't in the least attracted to her .
14 Because when , without so much as a scrap of protest , Ven had let go of her just now , she had started to get the idea that perhaps he had n't desired her anywhere near as much as she had wanted him .
15 Perhaps he had n't understood her ?
16 Perhaps he had n't understood her last night .
17 Perhaps her mother had convinced him that Shiona was incapable of such behaviour , or perhaps he had n't needed any convincing .
18 Perhaps he had not said to himself that in a marriage between two like this , someone was going to have to know a little less clearly what they had wanted .
19 Perhaps he had not realised it himself .
20 Out of all his questions asked in the line of the investigation , perhaps he had not got very much , although he was not so sure about that .
21 Perhaps he has not done with you . ’
22 Perhaps he has not read them .
23 Obviously he had not warned his sister of this visit .
24 Obviously he had n't liked it , because it showed that she understood his motives only too well .
25 So he had n't lied about them .
26 So he had n't come back .
27 So he had n't let him out .
28 He had kept his promise to Holmes , and so he had not accepted the Stapleton 's invitation to their house that evening .
29 So he had not destroyed most of the buildings , along with their inhabitants , had even erected more and improved the walls and defences .
30 So he had not failed her after all !
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