Example sentences of "[adv] he would [vb infin] a " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps he would make a successful priest after all — he had the glibness , the assurance that this old man lacked — but not a holy priest . )
2 Perhaps he would propose a night painting Perth red if there were any suitable local opportunities .
3 If he went on coming down here , perhaps he 'd get a boat .
4 Perhaps he 'd like a week penning this column .
5 The General knew that the town had to be taken and the momentum of the day 's advance kept swift , and so he would lead a rag-taggle charge against the Prussian infantrymen who lined the crude barricade .
6 So he 'd design a new one , and he 'd write to the guy at Quality Street and say look , I think , I 'm a graphic designer , I think your box is a load of rubbish , I 've designed this , will you pay me for it ?
7 Better still , one can infer from the passage that MacDonald 's main purpose was to stay in power , and thus he would welcome a National Government if it enabled him to do so .
8 Thus he would build a Christian church in one part of the city and , in another , erect statues of the Mother Goddess Cybele and of Sol Invictus , the sun god — the latter being in his own likeness , with his features .
9 And whereas on the stage he had the words of Christopher Fry or the presence of John Gielgud — both of which drew out his respect and so his best shots — in films generally he would have a leaky script and brief takes — neither giving him the chance to wind up and deliver .
10 Finally he would spend a great deal of time in preparing people for membership and in visiting members although here he could be helped by the deacons and stewards .
11 On his return home he would eat a large English breakfast and , before starting on his work , would play a hand or two of patience and begin The Times crossword .
12 Later he would design a window for the new cathedral .
13 Later he would design a window for the new cathedral .
14 As for Zen , any day now he would receive a telegram from the Ministry summoning him back to Rome , and that would be that .
15 Tomorrow he would send a gift — one of the new range of creatures , perhaps — to smooth things over .
16 Perhaps for tomorrow he would prepare a true aioli de morue .
17 Party strategists acknowledge that the overwhelming weight of opinion polls has been against them — and that for Mr Major to win tomorrow he would need a movement in public opinion greater than that achieved in nine of the past 10 election campaigns .
18 Well , tomorrow he 'd get a taste of reality .
19 Fit and well he 'd make a lot of difference to the England side
20 If one of his family had been in the same position surely he 'd expect a stiffer sentence than the one given today
21 ‘ To lutin ’ means to tie hair in ELF-locks ; sometimes he would tangle a horse 's mane so badly it had to be cut .
22 Then he would make a pair of horns with his hands and step slowly backwards , and the closer he got to the bedside lamp the bigger the shadow grew , so that finally it outgrew the wall and spread across the ceiling and towered above him , a vast and terrible Demon .
23 She would be the first to know , then he would throw a party to tell his friends who had graduated from the Red Army Academy with him the previous year .
24 He wanted her mellow with wine before dinner , and then he would advance a few more steps .
25 He would give them the note ; and then he would have a method of beating the rhythm for several bars and — and this was always remarkable — the choir would enter with a sound that had an unbelievable power and precision in the attack .
26 Well , if the Oxford manager was granted any more wishes , then he 'd want a change a fortune .
27 Erm of Laurence Olivier , emphasized wro wrongly you know , when he was speaking certain parts into the if he thought the audience was flagging then he 'd speak a bit louder to you know
28 Then he 'd have a , then when he 'd done that he 'd have a erm , oh I think they used to call it a a wax ball , er to rub round the end of the sole and have a an iron that he would rub this wax into the seam between your your your shoe itself and the leather to seal that off and make it waterproof .
29 He 'd go back to his room and change and wash , then … then he 'd have a drink and think further about how to get back at them all .
30 We had screens on wheels in latter years at , last few years at school and er he used to go down to the tea room for a cup of tea half way down the stairs , the teachers ' room and perhaps go toilet as well , and er the one at the back was a foot out from the screen and every now and then he 'd have a look to see if he was coming and er we , what had had a big case with birds in and the lads who were doing it looked in this , saw the reflection and shh he 's coming .
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