Example sentences of "[adv] he [vb past] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Suddenly he swayed and reached for the support of his car door .
2 Then quite suddenly he disappeared and turned up in Moscow at a news conference , claiming that he had been kidnapped by MI5 in Italy , drugged , and taken to Britain and held in captivity until he managed to escape .
3 Both places had latches and as long as I got ten yards ' start on him , I could slam the door shut and slip my half clothes-peg under the latch — I always carried a half clothes-peg for the purpose — and no matter how much he blasphemed and kicked at the door he could n't get in .
4 But no matter how much he twisted and turned , the Liverpool dynamo gave him no rest .
5 He could n't sleep , or he thought he could n't , for Hazel said that all night long he whimpered and gnashed .
6 If only he knew that looking after his dogs had made her feel that she had just the smallest stake in his life , that it had in some measure comforted her for his absence .
7 They would wait silently by the roadside for a victim and could only he identified if forced to speak , for then they would emit a loud bray .
8 Whitely was all he knew and had known for the last sixteen years .
9 He turned and caught her looking at him as they strolled idly along by the whispering dark Mediterranean , and impulsively he stopped and pulled her into his arms for a quick hard hug .
10 they had bought the house , erm in erm North Uphall , a big mansion like , you know , and er , he had the business in the , he built the business in the stables , there was like the stables so he renovated and got it , it out and renovated and made a business er engineering business , er , oh , hatch , like with the house and they only paid er seventy eight thousand when they bought it and then when they 've sold it they 've got about three hundred and eighty thousand for that and he er , hire , hired now the , you know these units
11 So he screamed and put the phone down .
12 So he went and got himself a commission before conscription became law .
13 Erm Howard was Howard wrote and told me that erm he could n't get a he did n't think he would be able to so he wrote and told them early
14 So he wrote and signed chits for local lads , stating they were unfit to travel and thereby extending their weekends .
15 Once inside he turned and smiled .
16 Once the logs were blazing merrily he straightened and suggested , ‘ Coffee ? ’
17 No cattle to worry about tonight he thought and settled down to the job in hand .
18 Finally he stood and placed it at the head of the mound .
19 It was obvious he was good , it was obvious he should be in FI , but somehow he dallied and twiddled and procrastinated and did n't get around to it seriously until he was thirty-six years old and then it took him only three years to become champion .
20 Outside he stopped and realised that he would have to make his own way back .
21 In 1167 his army had been decimated before Rome by an outbreak of malaria ; and he had been chased over the Alps in humiliating disaster ; but still he plotted and planned to return to the task .
22 Gradually he settled and grew out of it .
23 Two days later he released and armed the interned Vichy troops .
24 A few minutes later he appeared and said he must go to her .
25 FitzAlan 's eyes flashed to her face , then very carefully he bent and pressed his lips to the cut across her instep .
26 Probably he resented and resisted the thrust of his father 's ambition for all his sons , but especially for Edwy , the eldest , so obviously gift ed with the academic ability for professional or ‘ establishment ’ success .
27 Probably he knew and cared , in spite of his cultivated disdain for appearances , that he had a very well-cut and intelligent mouth , too good to be hidden .
28 He had been asleep for some time , physically exhausted after his ordeal , but now he tossed and turned , held fast in the grip of some awful nightmare .
29 Alexei knew that he had always been aware of her — they were not strangers by any means — but now he straightened and stared in open admiration .
30 Now he bent and kissed her cheek ; it was a thin papery kiss , but she understood that ; understood when — rarely — she simply had to put her arms around him out of an exuberance of love , the instinctive shrinking , as though she held a wraith , something cold and wailing , a lost child .
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