Example sentences of "[adv] be [vb pp] in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Prominence must obviously be understood in relative terms : if features can register on a reader 's mind in his recognition of style , the degree to which they are salient will vary , and the degree to which the reader responds in a given reading will also vary according to a number of factors , such as his attentiveness , sensitivity to style and previous reading experience .
2 A lengthy delay in the reporting of a birth increases the chance that the newborn child may die with no registration of either the birth or death ; the national birth and death rates will obviously be underestimated in such circumstances .
3 What is of far greater importance is that the candidate should come across well on TV news programmes and should constantly be seen in favourable settings making crisp and newsworthy remarks .
4 As it can only be grown in Northern India among the foothills of the Himalayas , it is naturally always in great demand and once you savour the fragrance and taste of the rice for yourself you will understand why .
5 He quoted Lord Atkin that the doctrine of public policy ‘ should only be invoked in clear cases in which the harm to the public is substantially incontestable , and does not depend upon the idiosyncratic inferences of a few judicial minds ’ .
6 In any fairly homogeneous society the meaning of even such basic valuational words as ‘ right ’ and ‘ wrong ’ can only be given in such value charged definitions , which point to the society 's shared values .
7 HIV can only be transmitted in certain ways .
8 Indeed , here is a reminder that Christmas can only be understood in the light of later events , can only be discovered in all its wonderful freshness and life when we discover for ourselves that Jesus is the human face of God .
9 ‘ The distribution of the lividity can only be explained in that way .
10 Thus it is often argued that statutes punishing cruelty to animals can only be explained in that way .
11 Clearly , spreads can only be compared in one currency sector .
12 Hitting some of the soft spots in certain ways can cause really serious injury and can only be justified in extreme circumstances .
13 The secular arm could only be enlisted in specific cases against named and duly warned individuals ; it could offer no aid against those categories of offenders pronounced , in various general and local sentences , as excommunicate ipso facto .
14 Thus approved Green Belt must only be altered in exceptional circumstances .
15 But they should only be eaten in small quantities , as should potatoes .
16 Sometimes there are the most startling surprises when we come to realise how someone else is looking at a situation which , to us , could only be perceived in one way .
17 This technique can only be applied in bold , relatively thick outlines , and is therefore only used on items which employ reasonably simple designs .
18 The final point to be made is that in Re G ( a minor ) 1988 ( A11 FR p. 7(15) the House of Lords upheld the argument that adoption orders can be made with access but that these should only be made in exceptional circumstances although a distinction may be drawn between the position of birth parents and other relatives .
19 Her antiseptic presence transformed Mr Sunderland 's office into a place where children were condemned not to the cane or detention but to threadworms or impetigo or a terrible weakness of the chest that could only be treated in some distant sanatorium .
20 Carew Hunt , who was an authority at the Foreign Office on international communism and who wrote The Theory and Practice of Communism , argues that it can only be understood in religious terms .
21 Showmanship was not just the accidental way in which British and American films were distributed , it was the essence of a whole phenomenon and the films of the English-language world can only be understood in this way .
22 The Indian presence in far flung outposts of the Empire , for example , from Malaysia to East Africa , can only be understood in this context , and it is important to note that a tradition of emigration from Jamaica had already developed in the nineteenth century , with 2,000 Jamaicans migrating to build railways in Panama , followed by well over 80,000 who went to work on the first attempt at constructing the Panama Canal in the 1880s .
23 The main contention which the authors intend to examine is that the role of such personnel can only be understood in dynamic context .
24 It is quite common in primitive exchange systems that the movement of goods can only be seen in one direction .
25 Other recordings in this repertoire by these particular artists on the Hungaroton label have garnered much praise , and that can only be echoed in this case too .
26 Tape files can only be accessed in this way ( figure 5.2 ) and therefore tapes can only be used for serial or sequential files .
27 Stays imposed on the grounds of delay or for any other reason should only be employed in exceptional circumstances .
28 Stays imposed on the grounds of delay or for any other reason should only be employed in exceptional circumstances .
29 She had n't needed to speak Danish to realise the contents of the bottle : the water of life … call it would you would … it was pure unadulterated spirit and it had its equivalent in every country of the world which indulged in alcohol , so potent it should only be consumed in small doses as the tiny , liqueur-sized vessels that Rune placed on the table testified …
30 Indecent material may only be displayed in licensed sex shops which have no window display and can not be seen into from the street , do not admit people under 18 years of age and which carry a warning sign to this effect over the door .
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