Example sentences of "[adv] be [art] [adj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It should be more generously calculated than at present and should not merely be the bare minimum market value , as seems to be the case at present .
2 This fear of a new apocalypse began in deep secrecy the previous August when the fall-out from what could only be a Russian atomic test was detected .
3 Language itself , he said , would cease to function as it had always functioned , it would only be a strange dead thing , smouldering perhaps , but burnt out , no longer conveying any meaning .
4 Any kind of overt optical distortion can only be an occasional isolated effect for a clearly marked purpose , such as rendering the subjective experience of someone under stress or drunk or dreaming .
5 Now that 's not particularly sensational , and that 's where the drugs and the alcohol abuse level comes across , and that is the emotive term , but what I 'm saying really is the symptoms which that teachers are displaying of stress manifest themselves in an increase in er abuse of alcohol which could only be the odd extra drink , or the odd 5 cigarettes a day , and sleeping tablets , and that becomes an issue when you have n't got a teacher who 's not in control the following day , but you certainly have a teacher who 's not 100% , and that 's where the effect on the child tends to occur .
6 In historical studies the actual quotation from the appropriate Act of Parliament or the speech from Hansard or the letter from the collected correspondence may be the vital piece of information which needs to be placed in its right position to fill in a sort of jigsaw pattern which gives what can only be the one consistent answer .
7 Because of this , I have not said that the analysis of deixis in the poetic text will necessarily be a useful stylistic procedure — giving greater insight into individual poems or poets .
8 The work of Freud , and subsequent psychoanalysts , has indicated that when the pain of unexpressed feelings is not recognized or acknowledged , the subconscious mind ensures that such recognition never re-emerges at a conscious level , but it can nevertheless be a major subconscious influence on the social performance of the individual .
9 ‘ And I have no wish for time to soon pass , as you express it — were time to pass that quickly , I should very soon be an old old woman .
10 So ‘ E ’ would just be a nice mixed bunch of seasonal flowers , where as ‘ A ’ would give scope for something really special .
11 In such a team operation there will normally be a clear standard mandatory difference of responsibility but in practice what they actually do can overlap and overlap differently for different teams .
12 There will normally be a hostile touching but in the case of R v Rolfe ( 1952 ) 36 Cr App R 4 a man was convicted of indecent assault without touching the victim .
13 Still , to look on the bright side : if they had been together all this time , by now they might already be a dull settled couple , instead of which the long separation had preserved the thrill of courtship in their marriage , with letters passing between them constantly .
14 By rights , Razorblade Smile could easily be the Next Big Thing .
15 A special unit set up to track down the missing money has now traced around three hundred million pounds — but there could still be a long legal battle to get some of it returned .
16 There would still be a bicameral Supreme Soviet .
17 I 'd still be a lowly civil servant if I had n't had my castle . ’
18 There may still be a few sticking points even at these late stages .
19 DEC , on the other hand , which has been having COSE talks at both the strategic and technical levels , feels there might still be a few loose ends to tie up , some of them perhaps circulating around the ‘ Process Paper ’ that is expected to be made public soon .
20 DEC , on the other hand , which has been having COSE talks at both the strategic and technical levels , feels there might still be a few loose ends to tie up , some of them perhaps circulating around the ‘ Process Paper ’ expected to be made public soon .
21 In the major conurbations day special schools may be available ( for example , London , Birmingham ) , but for pupils in rural or inaccessible areas weekly or half-termly residence at a special school may still be the only viable option .
22 Today , McRae was chasing lost time and ended up driving into a ditch , but will still be the first British driver home .
23 It was questioned whether there could ever be a single dominant ideology .
24 Could there possibly be a last antique teabag in the cupboard over the sink ?
25 Could this possibly be the same human being he had transported here in the pony and trap before the war ?
26 In these circumstances , there could hardly be a clear-cut foreign policy .
27 There must also be a certain transparent suspense about our sexual relations .
28 There will also be a live outside broadcast form a preserved line .
29 The resin will make it rot-proof too , and it will also be a splendid thermal insulator .
30 Canada , West Germany and Spain will provide personnel , and there will also be a Latin American contingent .
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