Example sentences of "[adv] with [art] [noun] at " in BNC.

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1 The prospects of the party improved somewhat with the adoption at the 1937 conference of an ‘ Immediate Programme ’ of nationalisation for a single term of office : this included all the major measures of the post-war Labour government except for iron and steel , which in any case was not to be fundamentally reorganised before the Labour government left office in 1951 .
2 These late plays show a continuing interest in moments when ‘ life is elevated to the dignity of dance or liturgy , with a gaiety ’ , which Eliot ( perhaps with a glance at Yeats 's ‘ Lapis Lazuli ’ ) now sees as ‘ in all great poetry , and the greater seriousness behind the gaiety .
3 ‘ I 'm on a short lease but I 've never discussed in personally with the prince at any stage .
4 This contrasts starkly with the efforts at local authority , regional , and national levels to develop models of comprehensive assessment and multidisciplinary collaboration in respect of children and families ( DoH , 1988 ; DoH , 1991b ) .
5 ‘ We had five or six extra training sessions together with a match at the end of them , ’ said McGeechan .
6 That is a reference back to the events of chapter 16 , and strange though it is , it is no more extraordinary than their wish in Exodus 16 that they had been killed together with the Egyptians at the time of the Passover .
7 Even so , together with the problems at Ely , they may reflect a somewhat hostile attitude to Cnut in this area , perhaps exploited by Thorkell , its earl , who was banished in 1021 .
8 The interest rate quoted is applied to the principal for the number of days of the advance divided by 365 if this is a domestic UK sterling deal ( 360 days for Eurosterling and most currencies ) , and the interest is repaid together with the principal at the maturity date .
9 Again , however , a definition of modulus whether secant or tangent , together with the strain at which it is measured , needs to be made for comparison between the results of different workers .
10 ‘ If you will excuse me , ’ she said politely — no single woman ought to be talking alone with a man at nearly midnight — ‘ I will collect a new candle from the kitchen and retire again . ’
11 Big Ben was lucky to get away with a mistake at the second fence in his warm-up round , but is likely to be more careful when it matters .
12 Indeed , the publicity-shy Cheltenham handler is currently topping the trainers ' championship with £117,000 prize money won , a large chunk of which arrived when Tipping Tim and Llewellyn ran away with the Mackeson at Cheltenham ten days ago .
13 Some women would have come downstairs with the poker at the ready . ’
14 She was fiddling absently with the ribbons at her bosom .
15 The massive head , still with the marks at the side of the throat where the gills would have been , sighed .
16 In fact , she felt that they were deterred by it as they left quickly with no attempt at explanation .
17 FURIOUS Nigel Mansell ended his Formula One career yesterday with a blast at the team which gave him the World Drivers ' Championship .
18 She always came home with the others at night , preferring the protection of being in a group .
19 Political commentators noted that by aligning tactically with the LDP at this stage , Komeito anticipated holding the balance of power in the Lower House after the elections , a position it already enjoyed in the Upper House .
20 He lifted her face , his lips moving over her skin hungrily , and the sensuous pleasure was there at once with no need at all for him to arouse her .
21 You can not only experiment with different feet positions and weighting but also with the angle at which the feet are placed across the board .
22 In the discussions with the monks over the qualities of Benedict as Bishop it is stated that they carefully discussed the matter with each other and also with the Archbishop at the Prior 's lodgings and also at Halling .
23 I watched Jean-Claude grapple unsuccessfully with a knife at his heart .
24 Serious accidents have taken place in the nuclear fuel industry , most notably with the fire at Windscale ( renamed Sellafield in 1981 ) in north-west England in 1957 , the overheating and core and containment damage at the PWR at Three Mile Island , USA , in 1979 , and at Chernobyl in the Soviet Union in April 1986 .
25 It did not take them very long to get the hang of it , scraping carefully with the blade at an angle of forty-five degrees and pausing from time to time in order to wipe it clean .
26 Then , perhaps with some thought of her own Christmas to be spent partly with the Queen at Sandringham she added : ‘ The lonely , the confused and the simply unloved , who need your help more than ever . ’
27 But now with a look at the weekend 's sport , here 's Tim Russon .
28 But now with a look at the weekend 's sport , here 's Tim Russon .
29 Now with a look at the day 's local news , here 's Paul Kirby .
30 She drew herself up , stilling her racing pulses , as he asked her now with a wave at the drinks table , ‘ Would you care to indulge in a drink before dinner ? ’
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