Example sentences of "[adv] you should [vb infin] a " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps you should have a rest . ’
2 Perhaps you should relax a little , and — who knows — perhaps you 'll find your own happy ending where you least expect it , and now , if you 'll excuse me , the time has come to reward my friends in advance for the efforts they have promised to make on our behalf . ’
3 Perhaps you should take a course in self-denial . ’
4 Thereafter you should see a certain refinement of texture ( caused , in fact , by a thinning of the skin ) together with a noticeable reduction of wrinkles ; the fair-skinned may also notice a certain pink flush .
5 One or two weeks later you should find a lot of pupae .
6 Now you should get a Track 0 Bad ’ error message .
7 By now you should have a clearer picture of your current size and shape .
8 By now you should have a fairly good idea of the possible use of a book .
9 By now you should have an idea of the talk tactics that you and others use to play status .
10 Now you should take a year to go round there .
11 But surely you should possess a copy .
12 Maybe you should have a word .
13 Maybe you should take a map with you Cath , because then you 're able to follow the , where you are .
14 If the person you want to speak to is not available , then you should leave a clear and precise message .
15 In any case , the logic of the government 's case is to say that if you are a person on low income , dependent on council housing , and you happen to live in area like Oxford , which has extremely high land values , then you should pay a very high rent , and they assume that they will pay that high rent and they reduce the grant to the housing fund erm on those lines , with the consequence that the Council had no choice but to put the rents up .
16 If you are unable to take part in your Games lesson ( due to injury or illness ) then you should bring a note , asking to be excused .
17 If the client is legally aided then you should incorporate an explanation of Legal Aid into the letter and under the draft franchising specification you should send the form " Legal Aid : A Quality Service " which is available from the area office .
18 If you do notice something unusual which you are sure is not a software problem , then you should take a careful look for the cause or things will just get worse , possibly with more serious consequences .
19 T : If you want it flat you should use an iron ! ! !
20 It is n't a good idea to climb hills after eating at the Naked Man — ideally you should find a quiet corner and sleep it off like a boa constrictor does after it has swallowed a goat or two too many .
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