Example sentences of "[adv] with [pron] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Dustin starts by playing Timothy Mouse to Voight 's Dumbo , although his voice seems to be dubbed by Mel Blanc , first as Daffy Duck ( whom he resembles somewhat with his beak and slicked-down black hair ) , then as a consumptive Bugs Bunny .
2 With good feedback so far , such programmes appear to be the way forward for a company concerned not only with its staff but also with its customers .
3 These stated : ‘ Everybody who calls himself or herself a Christian must now rally to the side of Christ and defend Him , not only with their rosaries and prayers but by protesting in a public and persistent manner against this film . ’
4 Trivial or shallow , in particular , are criticisms levelled at young women for their concern over their appearance ; one of the worst current insults you can throw at an actress or pop star is that she 's a bimbo — concerned only with her looks and nothing else .
5 Although from her upbringing it might have been thought that ‘ visiting the sick ’ would be a part of her daily life she had hardly ever — thanks to the Welfare State — had to perform this duty , and then only with her mother or father .
6 By this time the Duchess was at screaming pitch — not only with her husband but also with the Palace courtiers and staff , who had never liked her .
7 It is only with your help that the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic can be snatched away from the looming danger of counter-revolution . "
8 It is only with your help that the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic can be snatched away from the looming danger of counter-revolution . "
9 It is only with your support that we can continue to do so .
10 Perhaps all that 's needed to be a good judge of another person is the art of listening , not only with our ears but with our whole attention .
11 He touched one of the pots gently with his hand and then hastily took it away .
12 He held his gun near his mouth and touched it gently with his lips as he waited .
13 Now , gently with your hand and I mean gently ,
14 The sweat that had begun in anticipation of what she might encounter in the street now ran in fear of her mother 's rage ; Nunzia 's eyes had gone hard and wrinkled like black olive pips when Rosa had produced the plover , and she had clucked impatiently with her tongue when Rosa lied and said her grandfather had shot it and presented it to her .
15 Even without offering provocation to the Poles the Danzig Nazis were busy enough with their Gleichschaltung or Nazification of the city .
16 An overhit forehand from Sampras who , despite offering a far more solid challenge against Forget than he had done against Leconte , was still not as consistent enough with his groundstrokes as one would have expected from someone who had become ATP Tour champion two weeks earlier , made it 15–0 .
17 Within about ten days she was happy enough with my mother and sisters around , but it took her a lot longer to settle down with other people , and with animals .
18 There was a fair amount of competition , so in fact she er was selected on merit and on her interests which matched very nicely with our course that we run .
19 The builders worked throughout the weekend , so with their hammering and concrete mixing and loud radios , it was impossible to ignore their presence .
20 So with our legs and bottoms already aching from the lack of space and the hard seats , we read about the party someone had given in Christ Church , or how well so-and-so was doing at the Ministry of Information , or what little Nicolette had said to her grandmother .
21 So with your pennies and her pennies I think we should all make a lot of money for Save The Children , do n't you ?
22 And when I went out I put the calf inside with its basket and rug .
23 New applicants wishing to apply for these vouchers should write to Her Majesty 's Representative , The Ascot Office , St James 's Palace , SW1A 1BP , before 31st March , stating the full name of those members of their family who require vouchers , together with their ages if between 16–25 years .
24 In the remainder of the book we survey and discuss the findings of the literature relating to the comparison of national industrial relations systems and their particular aspects in terms of an analysis of the major actors and their organisations together with their activities and interactions .
25 The system allowed the nobility much more initiative in war than they had enjoyed under Edward I and Edward II , and their wishes and interests , together with their willingness and ability to raise troops , had to be taken into account in planning a campaign .
26 Sometimes listed under shrub roses ( although many are vigorous climbers ) these are natural wild roses , together with their variants and hybrids .
27 At one time this column stretched for some ten miles along the road to Viktring , together with their horses and lorries , supplies and women …
28 The figure is a spectrum similar to those in Fig. 24.8 and shows that there are two basic frequencies ( f 1 and f 2 ) present together with their harmonics and integer combinations .
29 Thus they might involve users and ex-users of a variety of health and social services , together with their friends and supporters .
30 Although the gross changes in the brain that accompany and probably cause it can be studied after the death of the patient , the details of the disease process are just beginning to be worked out in animals by studying the microscopic structure of the brain regions that are principally involved together with their biochemistry and their neurotransmitters .
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