Example sentences of "[adv] all [vb mod] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If you could wait just that little bit longer all might be revealed
2 Technically all could be done by voluntary workers with the possible exception of ( arranging ) Weekend Schools .
3 Many of these will be missing in some reports , and in others all or nearly all will be used .
4 The variety at first seems bewildering , but leaving aside primitive creatures like jellyfish and corals which we have already discussed , and the much more advanced backboned fish , nearly all can be allocated to one of three main types : shelled animals , like clams , cowries and sea snails ; radially symmetrical creatures like starfish and sea urchins ; and elongated animals with segmented bodies varying from wriggling bristle worms to shrimps and lobsters .
5 The vast majority need pensions to meet their financial needs , almost all will be registered with a doctor and will make use of the health services , and many require special housing or residential accommodation and some degree of help in coping with the problems arising from increasing frailty , social isolation and their dependent role .
6 Not every member of the Anglo-Norman-speaking community would have been an aristocrat , but virtually all would be linked to and dependent upon the aristocracy .
7 Then all may be made plain .
8 It is sometimes admitted that there are dangers in this in that they can take the wrong decisions , about new technology , or marketing a product , or about industrial relations , and it is implied that if these decisions lead to the wrong strategy then all will be lost for everyone .
9 If he regards Isaac as his own and not God 's , as the woman and the man in the Garden came to regard that tree as their own and not God 's , then all will be ruined .
10 Else all will be lost ; the Women will find us ; your brother in his enchantment will call them . ’
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