Example sentences of "[adv] if [pers pn] [vb past] to " in BNC.

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1 On orders from the new Earl , my visits to the house were to be permitted only if I agreed to be supervised .
2 MY later visits to Althorp were allowed only if I agreed to be supervised
3 A picture of the American family began to be glimpsed as a super-mobile group that could get together to grill a hamburger only if it drove to the appointment .
4 Leskov was prepared to accept the utility of the term " liberal " , but only if it referred to advocates of moderation .
5 ‘ You 'd understand quick enough if you wanted to .
6 I interpret this as meaning that Rey indicated any new tempo carefully enough if he needed to , but did not always beat throughout a given section .
7 erm , yes so if we went to them sort of fairly soon we 'd
8 So if you happened to be out of the house working it was too bad , unless you got a house cleaner to put your name down for you .
9 So if you wanted to er send parcels via the Railway , anywhere in the country , Then you could take your parcels into er the 's Head er sort of office there , erm and they were ferried down here .
10 So if you wanted to be a removal man you had to find the work to justify you having an A licence , but of course you could n't because you had n't got an A licence to do it with .
11 I suppose while this is for me cos on the sponsorship issue is , would sponsorship have any impact in terms of what I might purchase so if I went to the Scottish Opera or the ballet or to the theatre and I bought a programme which I usually do and one of the things which is interesting about the evening that erm Alan and I spent last time at Scottish Council was that half the people attend Scottish Opera buy a programme and the programmes that I have sponsored always .
12 So if I wanted to I could tell them where to go with that and all .
13 Improving life expectancy gave them every hope of doing so , especially if they belonged to the rising middle-class .
14 Especially if they happened to be Paris , Venice or Florence .
15 He seemed far more concerned to take money off the rich — especially if they happened to be Muslim .
16 Especially if we came to Sheffield .
17 For the best midfielder in the country I 'd be looking closer to 5–6 mil especially if he went to Rangers or abroad — but personally I would n't sell him , so going on past experience that means Wilko will get rid of him before the end of the season .
18 ‘ And imagine what it must have been like before all those modern office ‘ towers ’ were built to dwarf it — especially if you happened to be a traitor .
19 She pulled backwards if I spoke to her and lay down in the grass at every opportunity , refusing to move .
20 Mind you , I could go for it anyway if I wanted to .
21 I did not know whom I might meet there , and cramped as I as I did not fancy my chances at running away if it came to a straight chase on a hard surface .
22 He did have street cunning , most if it aimed to keeping himself a mystery .
23 AT present the family have no plans for returning to England in 1997 , but I think they could decide pretty quickly if they needed to .
24 The students had no room in which to wait between lectures , but it was suggested to MRCVS that students who lodged near enough might go home if they wanted to , or more usefully spend their non-lecture time in the dissecting room or in the stables , although the Bell & Crown inn , with a good fire , was close at hand .
25 So it but it was easier for you to go home if you wanted to I suppose .
26 In the course of it Edward Lucas , a BBC Prague correspondent , asked Havel directly if he wanted to be president .
27 Moving into summer , he took advantage of the dry weather and lived more outdoors than in , drawing the same subjects repeatedly if they appealed to him , toiling incessantly in an effort to improve himself .
28 And you know that at the same time as you could clout them you 'd actually die for them also if it came to the point .
29 music as well though if you had to ?
30 Now if you said to me er I wou to be able to get myself fixed up with a car then I need two weeks and that that suits us anyway you know if if you wanted to start next week and everything went right fine .
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