Example sentences of "[adv] she took [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Gingerly she took a sip of the soup , surprised to find it was not only delicious but nothing to do with any can or packet .
2 Or perhaps she took a swig of sherry .
3 So she took a break from the family business and learnt to fly .
4 So she took the handbag back into Tesco and said I found this handbag erm and they said well give me your name and address and all that so in any rate what happened Bet ?
5 Just after five o'clock she took the correspondence into his office for signature .
6 Instinctively she took a step away from him , her senses reeling as she felt the blood drain away from her face , and heard the buzzing in her ears which forewarned her that she was near to fainting .
7 With a sigh now she took a turning off the narrow road into one of the summer picnic spots overlooking Loch Lomond .
8 But Wayne says he was amazed at how well she took the singing part of Palene , lover of the warrior Spartacus .
9 Sometimes she took the form of a crow , sitting quietly by as the soldiers went into the fray .
10 With Sycorax on her back , Ariel dropped on to her haunches and took up her baby and tied him in a cloth to her breast ; she rubbed his mouth with soursop juice to keep him dry so that he would not howl with discomfort to be changed ( she packed soft moss against his bottom , just to be sure ) ; then she took a basket of her herbs and preparations and whistled softly to Paca , the last of her caveys , to follow .
11 Then she took a shower and changed into a cool sundress .
12 Her heart leaped , then she took a hold on herself .
13 Then she took a syringe out and gave the boy an anti-tetanus jab .
14 Then she took the newspaper off the magazines and looked at it again .
15 Then she took the willow twig , laid it across the bull 's withers and secured it in place with a rope tied firmly beneath the soft folds of flesh on the underside of the neck .
16 Then she took the glass of juice , a cup of black coffee and a slice of crusty toast and butter , and sat outside on the balcony .
17 Instead she took a tram to the Pier Head and walked about until the hands of the Cunard clock stood at half past ten .
18 Instead she took the money from her mother and walked sedately down to the shops with Carla , playing with her and making her laugh .
19 Either she took a step back , or she stayed where she was , aware that sooner or later she would plunge into that unknowable chasm .
20 Belatedly she took the figurine from her shoulder-bag and placed it on the table that stood between them .
21 Matilda perched herself carefully on an upturned box and more out of politeness than anything else she took a slice of bread and margarine and started to eat it .
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