Example sentences of "[adv] she [verb] [vb pp] it " in BNC.

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1 If only she 'd kept it up . ’
2 Foolishly she had imagined it would be like inviting herself into a trap , because the trapped feeling was still there .
3 Perhaps she had made it up altogether , and there had been nobody , no phantom , no sleep-walker , nothing .
4 Perhaps she had seen it happen while in this automatic state .
5 Or perhaps she had felt it then herself .
6 Perhaps she had missed it in the flat , these passagings .
7 Perhaps she had encouraged it , or not .
8 Perhaps she had known it would happen , perhaps he had answered her call for the same reason .
9 So she had done it .
10 So she had worked it out .
11 So she 'd enjoyed it ?
12 And so she 's got it in for us now , really badly !
13 So she 's ordered it because
14 She said I 've paid that , that 's not a hassle or , anyway she 's paid it , she 's said that 's not a hassle , but er , I thought well maybe I some money , I do n't know , what do you normally pay on these things , twenty five , twenty six ?
15 And lately she 's worn it twice on British engagements .
16 She saw the sudden gleam in his eyes , male and provocative , and realised too late how easy she had made it for him .
17 She had also been surprised at how easy she had found it to talk to him , about all the private , intimate failures and successes of her life ; fascinated to hear about his problems with the privately owned Wyndham International Banking Corporation , which he had recently taken over from his father .
18 erm but luckily she 's rubbed it out with thingy so
19 Or rather she had assumed it without thinking .
20 She had broken the law unwittingly , but still she had broken it , and if Jake was really determined he could make her pay for it .
21 Lubor 's lips were n't the right lips and subconsciously she had known it .
22 She knew there was a reason behind Christine 's nagging phone calls and now she had discovered it : a guilty conscience .
23 Now she had got it off her chest , she felt heavy and cold with shame .
24 And now she 'd got it with a vengeance .
25 Now she 's got it the other way about
26 Now she 's re-written it , and er , it 's gon na be shown there , and it 's only , seats gon na be about a fiver , if you go , er in the afternoons .
27 Well she 's picked it up
28 And when we hear it in here she 's got it worse in there cos she 's in
29 But surely she 'd locked it ?
30 Surely she had taken it as an ill omen ?
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