Example sentences of "[adv] she [verb] [vb pp] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Let dear old Miguelito charm a new generation of English roses — Shelley had outgrown him , although she would always keep a special place in her inner being for that lovely evening when she and only she had had his sweet and undivided attention …
2 In that one respect only she had failed her dear friend .
3 She came to a wealthier part of the town where the streets were quieter , and before long she had reached her destination .
4 Perhaps she 'd heard his panting , and the promises he 'd been making in the dark .
5 Perhaps she had heard our voices and used them as an excuse to break away from Henry Clerval .
6 Perhaps she had acknowledged his wartime exploits , up there in his Spitfire inflicting those severe losses she had read about .
7 So she had made her fear-filled way home to spend another night in the cellar , her moods alternating between terror and self-pity , until the high , sweet sound of the all clear brought relief and anger .
8 So she had left her native Ireland with a new , gentle man and she was expecting a baby .
9 Er it were in paper about this er this woman she 'd gone to the hospital and she must have been there longer than she thought , and so she 'd got her car clamped and it was thirty pound to have it off but
10 So she 's got her knuckles grazed , you 've cleansed it , put it into a drop of water , ra or else we 've used the Mediwipes or the end of the bandage okay , now we just cover it , okay , so it goes over , can you just straighten out your hand for me , it goes over the wound , okay and you can take this one that she can hold it for you just up there , right , now the rest of this just winds round , the only thing you really need to do is to just make sure that you leave the thumb out , cover up the bottom right and then come up towards the wrist , cover up the top of the pad , come back down again , leave the thumb out all the time , got the idea ?
11 By three o'clock she had asked her several times if there was anything she wanted , brought her biscuits and tea and watched the clock for an hour .
12 ‘ It was our agreement , ’ he 'd said , thrusting the cheque at her , and finally she 'd swallowed her stupid pride and admitted to herself that he was right .
13 Only tonight she 'd left her hair loose , brushing it straight back from her forehead and letting it fall in its natural soft waves to her shoulders .
14 It was n't many months ago that she had been offended by his exploring fingers , but tonight she had given her breast to his hand as if to a baby .
15 Somehow she had disturbed his hair , and it fell boyishly over his forehead .
16 Rather timidly , and feeling that somehow she had let her uncle down , Erika touched Karl 's arm .
17 Somehow she had triggered her discovery but she did n't know who was out there hunting her , Berndt 's killers or Madreidetic .
18 Anyone acquainted with ancient ikons will recognise how acutely she has captured their essence .
19 She had travelled from Rosyth to Glasgow , hardly any distance at all , yet still she had missed her connection .
20 Possibly she had pulled her stitches , or had developed an infection in them .
21 As always she had won her way , and now she was paying the price of it .
22 She 'd taken her degree in chemistry at university , and once she 'd gained her doctorate had started work in one of the smaller fuel companies .
23 Asked what she would do once she had satisfied her immediate needs , one emigrant said , pensively , ‘ I shall watch the East German anniversary celebrations , but I do n't know if I will be laughing or crying . ’
24 Subconsciously , she must have sensed the potent effect he could have on her , an instinctive recognition of the dangerous power he would assume if once she had known his touch .
25 As she ate her treat she announced she would pay the mortuary a visit directly she 'd finished her tea .
26 Five minutes later she had conquered her nerves and made two concrete decisions .
27 His arms held , though now she had wedged her hands in between her breasts and the hard wall of his chest and was pushing away from him with all her might .
28 All the time he slept she lay there longing acutely for him to go , and when he did she felt the most immense relief and vowed that now she had escaped his presence she would never never put herself in that position again .
29 It would not be surprising if by now she had forgotten my name .
30 But by now she had marshalled her thoughts and had a legitimate excuse ready .
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