Example sentences of "[adv] that she [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In a corner of the Salon Imperial of the Hotel Intercontinental , Paris , Harriet Varna braced her back against a statuesque pillar and looked steadily into the viewfinder of her camera , concentrating on her subjects so fiercely that she was almost oblivious to the electric atmosphere that surrounded her , bouncing off the Viennese décor and the sumptuous rococo ceiling along with the heat and the light as the models of the House of Saint Laurent moved gracefully along the hundred yards of catwalk to display the new season 's couture collection .
2 And then , so gently that she was hardly aware of what was happening — as if she was merely swaying with the tide — he gradually pulled her towards the shore , slowly drawing her up against the bare , damp skin of his broad chest .
3 We have been in Britain more than a year now , so the Home Office has extended her visa , but each time they extend it it is only by three months or six months so that she is never eligible for school .
4 So that she 's more expensive to them than this other lot will be .
5 He finds time to talk to her and tell her what 's going on so that she 's never at a loss to deal with any situation .
6 He was hurting her a little now , the arm around her waist like steel , so that she was hazily aware of a dull ache in the small of her back .
7 In desperation he lifted her bodily off the ground so that she was helplessly pinned against his solid frame , and she discovered to her horror that hating him did n't in any way negate the way he could make her feel .
8 She was ashamed of her sharpness , but the heat seemed to penetrate her brain , taking over her senses so that she was no longer in control .
9 More people began to come in , so that she was no longer alone on the paved bit with her magazine and her sandwiches and her towel .
10 Only the grip of his hand on her arm joined their bodies together , yet the union seemed complete and total so that she was no longer a separate entity .
11 She quickly changed her position , so that she was no longer facing him but looking out towards the lake .
12 Then she had to imagine switching on the light in that cupboard under the stairs and taking a couple of steps forward so that she was just inside — but with the door open to the hall and with the knowledge that she only had to take a single large step back to be out there again .
13 It was held on the facts that the trustees did not have the power to make such loans and that the payments were in fact outright payments so that she was properly assessed to income tax .
14 She would have left the door open and the landing light on so that she was clearly visible from the stairs .
15 Before , he had held her hand lightly , so that she was barely aware of it , but now , making her heart skitter , he was lacing his fingers with hers .
16 He shifted under her , sliding her away so that she was still bound to him by the steel bands of his arms , but was now lying by his side .
17 Thank God I had the sense not to bring the painter in with me : I simply dropped the anchor as I scrambled on board , so that she was safely held at anchor .
18 But she did not pull away , and when he moved nearer still , holding her as though she was infinitely fragile , and turned her so that she was fully in his arms , her head on his shoulder , he did it so slowly that Sally-Anne felt not fear , but reassurance .
19 Then his hands were running over her back , their caress sensuous , moulding her even closer , so that she was deeply aware of muscular hardness , firm flesh and sinew .
20 His hands dropped from her shoulders , and he did not speak , merely took her hand and pulled her after him , striding back up the path at a rapid pace so that she was hard pressed to keep up .
21 Whereas the DCSL for School F limited her actions to the latter function , her colleague in School A ( and the other schools in her division ) played a much more active role with , and sometimes in , the library committee itself , so much so that she was occasionally described by teachers as the " leading light " in the formulation of the proposal .
22 She lifted a lined face to him , and he reached over for another Kleenex and smoothed the wetness away , so that she was almost without makeup .
23 I replied that I was convinced not only that she was now dead but that she had died on the day you wrote to me …
24 She was conscious only that she was now in Rome for the first time in her life .
25 Due to family pressures her parents married , but they reminded Alison constantly that she was neither planned nor wanted .
26 The book sold so well locally that she 's now published it for sale countrywide ; available from WH Smith , Sherratt & Hughes and Waterstone 's bookshops or direct from Barbara Geere at 15 Stamford Drive , Bromley , Kent BR2 0XF ( 081–460 3646 ) , priced £2.30 ( inc p&p ) .
27 And while Monika has been told unofficially that she is no longer welcome as a teacher of religious studies at St Thomas More School , Bedford , Father O' Neill continues to enjoy the protection of the church as a practising priest .
28 At 15 she had once to be carted from the links of Gullane having had too much to drink , but she will tell you that that had nothing to do with the pressures of competition , rather that she was merely going through a rebellious streak .
29 It 's not like she 's really kind of dominated your life it 's just that she 's so not stupid , it just , you know , it 's incredible .
30 It was n't just that she was strikingly beautiful ; there was an unworldly air about her .
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