Example sentences of "[adv] i went [prep] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Regretfully I went into my own apartment .
2 and I was upset so I went to my doctor who 's a lady doctor and she 's young , she explained things to me and she put me on H R T and it changed my life completely !
3 So I looked through this device and er found what the reading it gave , so I went to my map and I found that that 's where Mars should have been .
4 So as soon as I could get away I went to your hotel , only to be told that you had left shortly after your colleagues . ’
5 Then I went to her house in Newtown .
6 ‘ I took one look at that memento , and then I went to my room and packed my suitcase .
7 Yes , where erm my next neighbour gave me some stuff erm , then I went into her shed cos she had erm , some mice problems so dad went in there to have a look round , seeing the poison were wore off and we found quite a lot of old gardening chu , tools .
8 And then I went in me purse , and the ten pounds was gone out of it .
9 Afterwards I went to my room and spent the evening reading and writing letters . ’
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