Example sentences of "[adv] i can tell [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Fourthly , fourthly I can tell him that prescription charges will raise nearly three hundred million pounds in the forthcoming year .
2 Where is Andrew ? ’ and eventually I can tell them and Mrs Gould gives a strange little shuddering cry and Mr Gould tells her to get the people in the house and phone for an ambulance and runs away down the path towards the river with the four Golden Labradors barking excitedly behind him .
3 And here 's me , fuck I wish you 'd keep your fucking trap shut so I can tell him what it is !
4 If you do stay away I can tell you the trainer will know where you can get a deal like that .
5 Fifthly I can tell him that that will pay for over two hundred thousand cataracts operations or over seventy thousand hip operations and sixthly I will ask him to tell me where he would find the money .
6 Thirdly I can tell him that eighty percent of prescribed items are now free of charge compared with sixty percent in nineteen seventy nine .
7 Tammuz looked at his daughter and thought , ‘ Now I can tell her .
8 Now I can tell you that Swindon are B S five seven five O certificated .
9 Now I can tell you a little , one final remark , I at five thirty this afternoon met Mr , Mr , Councillor , Councillor , Councillor at five thirty to discuss the delay in dealing with this application .
10 Well now I can tell you , erm , I actually wanted to erm and , and , and , and really as , as , as erm perhaps a bit of an old softy but
11 ROS : Well I can tell you I 'm sick to death of it .
12 Well I can tell you now why are constantly blocked up .
13 Well I can tell you if you get your right grade firstly you earn a lot more money .
14 Well I can tell you .
15 Well I can tell you I went to Cambridge er on er the twenty eighth of December nineteen thirty one .
16 Well I can tell you , sir , that is incorrect , there has not been a cursory look at sites as Mr Frost has already underlined .
17 Well I can tell you that
18 Well I can tell you one thing , animals will not go into ours .
19 I says , well I can tell you what you phoned up three times on t' row for , I says , you 've no money again have you ?
20 Well I can tell you , I can tell you th the first part , erm about what the fourteen great achievements are , erm and only then could I , could I sort of try and answer
21 You 'd be lost here I can tell you angel , especially given you do n't know how to get from Shepherd 's Bush to Hammersmith without a police escort .
22 Very strict recruitment policy here I can tell you .
23 When these babies are diagnosed there 's a mad panic everywhere I can tell you , phone calls everywhere , people rushing round .
24 Maybe I can tell you more a bit later .
25 a sight worse then I can tell ya , he did a , a
26 Oh yeah , what oh yes , oh without a doubt Joan , er you can do it , you could have the name and you could have who talked to them and , and then I can tell 'em that what , I 've done this you see and that 'd be the end of it it does suggest that you do n't tell them before you tell them after and then you sort of give them the opp the opportunity of me knocking , not recording it you see , wiping it off the tape , because it stunts the conversation .
27 Then I can tell you the difference between invention and insight . ’
28 Nevertheless , if you think this catalogue paints an unnecessarily bleak picture of how teachers are feeling , then I can tell you with some confidence that you have been deceived by the cover-up .
29 Seventy grand I paid for it , and that was the national debt then I can tell you .
30 ‘ The old ticker was going then I can tell you .
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